Dr. Nandi: Be Your Own Health Hero
Dr. Nandi: Forgiveness is an enormous part of your health both physically and emotionally because your spirit can be fulfilled and your mind can be whole when you don’t hold ideas that basically hold your body back and your mind back. How forgiveness plays a role in that is that instead of holding in feelings of guilt, of malcontent towards not only other people but to yourself. You know what? We have to learn how to forgive not only other people but yourself so that you can then be freer. If your mind is free and healthy, then it follows your body will as well. If you are shackled by feelings of resentment, feelings of guilt, feelings of malcontent, you can never progress forward because your mind can’t be free. If your mind can’t be free, can’t be healthy and you can’t progress as a human being either physically, emotionally or spiritually.
Shawne Duperon: What can our OM Times readers do right now to start improving their health?
Dr. Nandi: Three things. Number one is make your health the number one priority above anything else, above money, above materialistic goals, above getting a promotion. Number two, eat until you are 80% full. What I mean by that is that don’t wait until you feel like you are engorged. Wait until you are about 80% full, and when you do that, you can solve many of your weight problems, many of your health problems. The last one is please find purpose in your life. When you find purpose in your life, it has been shown to add six to seven years of longevity in your life and also improve the quality of your life. When you have purpose, you live a better life spiritually, physically and emotionally.
Shawne Duperon: A beautiful conversation. How would you like to close it?
Dr. Nandi: I always leave every show and everywhere I go with the word Namaste. Namaste, to me, really encompasses what the world should be about. It is defined as the spirit in me honors the spirit in you. So it just shows respect. It shows empathy and deference. I think if we had a lot more of that, then I think the world would be a better place.
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