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Feng Shui and the Mobile Home

Feng Shui and the Mobile Home


Feng Shui Your Mobile Home

For those of you not familiar with the Chinese art and science called “Feng Shui,” it is an ancient system for determining how people are affected by their immediate surroundings.

Like “astrology for architecture,” when a house is built combined with its compass orientation, will reveal the house to have a certain personality or predictable influence on those who live inside. The real beauty of Feng Shui is that there are often remedies which can correct an unbalanced environment and make it good for health, relationships, and even financial potential.

For example, a house that faces south and built in 1950 can contribute to an occupant having eye or heart problems. An east-facing house built in 1970 could cause the occupants to have fertility problems. Now, can a mobile home be diagnosed the same way? Technically, the mobile home is not “attached” to the ground like a house with a slab foundation. And what happens if the mobile home is moved to another location or actually used occasionally for travel? Part of the theory behind Feng Shui includes the belief that energy from the ground rises up when a house is under construction. Then, when the roof goes on, that seals the unseen energies in the house and there can be a similar influence for many decades on whoever lives in that house. Like a car or boat, the mobile home is not actually “plugged into” the earth.

Many mobile homes are built just for the purpose of being residences and not actually for traveling. Whether it is assembled on the lot or driven onto the lot, once the mobile home is stationed in a definitive location, it will still absorb the same energies from the earth it covers-as if it were like any other house. This is surprising to many practitioners because it seems to defy some of the stricter theories about how the Feng Shui energies get activated during a construction. If that mobile home were to be moved, it would really be similar to a regular house being moved, which does happen although not often. Once the structure is plopped back onto the ground again, then a new energy field gets created eventually.

Because mobile homes are largely made of metal, it is also vital for anyone taking a compass reading, to stand at least 10-20 feet away from it so as not to interfere with an accurate compass reading.

Aside from the question of how a mobile home can connect with the earth, other aspects of a mobile home could be seen as very ordinary and easy to diagnose using Feng Shui principles. In other words, there is nothing inherently good or bad about living in a mobile home and the same remedies that work for regular structures can also work in the mobile home.

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About the Author

Connect with Kartar Diamond and Kartar’s School of Traditional Feng Shui® at

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