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Harrison Klein: “I AM” Identity Master

Harrison Klein: “I AM” Identity Master

Shawne Duperon: So why do we struggle so much with money?

Harrison Klein: Because we attach so much emotion around it and to it. Because we believe that it is something that has to be earned by hard work or by manipulation or by competitiveness or by kind of. What’s the word I am looking for? Or condescension in some way or form. Because most people think that it is something you have to prove rather than something that you are, and they mistake the idea that you get in this world what you are and not what you want. And so they go after what they want rather than what they are.

Shawne Duperon: Say more about what you mean about money is what you are.

Harrison Klein: We get in this world what we are and not what we want, and what that simply means is that in order to have something, we have to be something. You can’t be a millionaire externally if you are not a millionaire internally. Let’s just say a person, for example, wanted to be a ballerina, and she could go out and buy 1,000 tutus and as many shoes as possible. That wouldn’t make her a ballerina, but if internally she was a ballerina, she could buy all the shoes and tutus she wanted anytime she wanted because that’s the way the law of attraction and the law of life wants. You have to be something before you can have something. Money is a reflection of what you decide you are and then how you implement that through your thoughts, words and actions.

Shawne Duperon: You have got this new program starting that helps breakthrough money. It is called Breakthrough to Entrepreneur Superpowers. Before you tell me about the program, why do you do programs like this?

Harrison Klein: I love what I do. I mean I have created successful, million dollar companies. I have worked with the some great thought leaders of the world. It excites me to have big ideas. It really is a place that is a lot of fun for me, and I have created a great life for myself. I have great a soul partner. I have a great house. I mean my life is joyous and makes sense to me in every way and shape possible. I want to help other people experience the kind of joy and love and experiences and material things that I have as well because the best way to sustain who you are is to have other people sustain who they are or to empower other people. The best thing you can do with money actually is to empower other people, and that is the strongest movement of what’s happening on the planet right now is that we are empowering each other as opposed to competing with each other.

See Also

Shawne Duperon: That’s perfect. So tell me about your newest adventure, Breakthrough to Entrepreneur Superpowers.

Harrison Klein: We have created an entrepreneurship program basically that is a legacy, for generations on being the best entrepreneur you can possibly be. We work with some of the most advanced ideas on the planet, and we have understood through all the years of our personal experiences and all the things we have learned over the years that things like story and mythology and psychology penetrate the subconscious a lot more deeply than factual information. When you have a story that is a hero’s journey, you elevate yourself because you become the hero. You identify with that situation or identity. As everything, identification is everything. When you have a mythology behind the superpowers or a mythology behind your understandings of things, you then become referenced to the higher states of that mythology. When you have a psychology, you create a philosophy that attracts other people and that’s a way to profits and things. You are able to then create service for other people and creative solutions for what people want and need in this world.

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