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The Health of Your Aura

The Health of Your Aura


by Susan Chu

From a young age, we were taught some simple, energetic hygiene including:

~ Taking baths

~ Eating veggies and everything else on our plates

~ Limiting sweets and junk food

~ Going outside to play

We might have been told they were good for us or simply that we should do as we were told.

As we grew up and became adults, we became more knowledgeable and, hopefully, wiser. We took what we learned from an early age and added a few more of our own. We began:

~ Exercising regularly

~ Eating nutritious food

~ Reading food packaging labels

~ Buying organic and local

~ Meditating

~ Spending more time outside (e.g.: playing sports, gardening, or hiking)

~ Laughing more (It’s one of the best cures in life!)

~ Thinking more positively

~ Doing charity work

All of these provide some form of energetic health benefits. Some reduce stress; others keep our cholesterol and blood pressure levels in check. Laughing lifts our moods. Charity work opens our hearts. Vitamin D, from sunlight, is great for those who are always inside and working in an office.

There is one important aspect of our health that is simply overlooked, ignored, or never talked about. It might not even be in our vocabulary. Can you guess what that is? The answer is aura, which is the energy field surrounding our physical body, and the health of our aura.

The aura is an energetic map or blueprint of our physical, emotional and mental state. When we are depressed, the vibrant colors of the aura are dimmed. When we are extremely materialistic and competitive, the color of the aura is predominated red. When we are ill and our life force is not very strong, the color of the aura turns gray and cracks start to show. When was the last time you had your aura checked? When was the last time it had a good cleansing?

There are a number of ways to check the health of your aura. Below are a few example:

~ Schedule an appointment with a specialist who is able to see auras. Some people have a natural ability to see auras. Others learn the old fashioned way, through classes and practice.

~ Visit your local crystal or metaphysical stop. There are cameras specially designed to take pictures of people’s aura. These cameras can often be found in these crystal and metaphysical shops. Check with your local crystal shops or search the internet for the locations.

~ Use your own intuition while mediating to guide you to tune in to your own energy field. What colors do you see? Where are the colors located? How vibrant are the colors? Are there cracks in your aura?

See Also

Having your aura checked is the first step to improving the strength of your aura. It is a good start, but cleansing the aura is even more important. It takes consistent awareness and practice to incorporate it into your health regime.

Here are some tips on how to strengthen or repair your aura:


3 Tips to Cleanse Your Aura

1. Take a bath – Who knew that baths are so good for you? Add approximately 1/4 cup of each of Epsom salt, baking soda and apple cider vinegar. Make sure to put your hair in a shower cap. The mixture is excellent for cleaning the aura, but it can cause damage to your hair.

2. Cleanse with a selenite wand – You can purchase a selenite wand at your local crystal shop. Place it outside during the full moon to really boost up the energy. Start with the wand 6-7 inches above the top of your head. Slowly, horizontally, bring it down 6-7 inches in front of your face, in front of your chest, in front of your stomach area, in front of your thighs, all the way down to the floor. Now, place the wand again 6-7 inches above your head. Slowly, horizontally, bring it down 6-7 inches away from your left cheek, your left shoulder, your left arm, your left side of the thigh, all the way down to the ground. Repeat for the right side and the back.

3. Create your own personal essential oil spray – Use essential oil singles rather than blends to mix your own. Some examples of oils to use include, but are not limited to, Frankincense, Palo Santo, Sage, Bergamot, and Vetiver.

It’s important to maintain a vibrant and colorful aura. When the aura is strong, it is our first defense against viruses and psychic attacks. When the aura is balanced, all of the colors of the rainbows appear in the aura. When we are strong, physically, emotionally and mentally, our aura reflects all that. We become grounded, balanced and able move forward in life with clarity and compassion.


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About the Author

Susan Chu, of One Peace Sanctuary, is a Holistic Intuitive Advisor with specialties in Feng Shui, Crystals and Reiki. She has a thriving practice in New York City, with both business and residential clients domestically and internationally. To learn more about Susan and her services, please visit:

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