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Oracle for July 2015 – Responsibility

Oracle for July 2015 – Responsibility


by Darity Wesley

Responsibility: The energies and directions for the month of July are evolving around peeling back yet another layer of the illusion. The month of May was about coming to a level of understanding that we should pierce the veil, which is really a layered event. Then, in the month of June, the first one we busted through was the illusion of Blind Trust. July’s time is about busting through the illusion of control and taking responsibility for ourselves. Oh, say it isn’t so!

One of the greatest illusions in our world is the illusion of control. I think most of us know and understand that and yet we continually try to control people, places, things, situations and this month of July, Spirit has us set up to release and bust the illusion of control and take up the gauntlet of responsibility.

Responsibility? We all have a concept of responsibility, don’t we? Some of us think we are “responsible” people. We go to our work, we pay our bills and our taxes; this is what responsibility is all about, right? Well, partially right. It is “right” in the duality sense that society, in the old days particularly, saw a responsible person as a value to society. Someone who minded their manners, respected their elders, controlled any kind of emotional outburst, and pretty must put on a mask of pretension.

I think it is still true to some extent. For those of us upon the spiritual path, who look deeper within ourselves to learn more about who we are, we begin to see through the illusion. Responsibility is indeed a value; but it is way more than that. As we bust through the illusions this year as our main mission, responsibility, as an energy, flows through this realm and on into the spiritual realms that exist beyond this veil; beyond the illusions to what we call “Home.”

So, what is “responsibility?” We like to define our terms here on the Oracle, so let’s check it out. There seem to be a few definitions of Responsibility. Google’s definition of responsibility is, ‘the state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or having control over someone.’ -Interesting, eh? “…Control over someone,” ha!

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary defines responsibility as, ‘the state of being the person who caused something to happen and/or a duty or task you are required or expected to do and something that you should do because it is morally right, legally required, etc.’

Now those definitions apply to our discussion here, but most point back to what I would call “old energy.” What you “should” do. What is “required” to be done. All illusions of our world. The Oracle would have you contemplate that “Responsibility” is the ability to respond, eh?

Many of us on the spiritual path, on the personal development path, have learned, sometimes long, long ago, that having the “ability” to respond is one thing, and there is a spiritual wisdom that needs to be attached that goes to “how” you respond. “Responding” is to be a thoughtful, conscious, activity. Whereas, the other side of that is simply to react; mostly from the lizard brain, from fear, anxiety, panic, conditioning, and habit. Generally, from something other than thoughtful consideration of the forces at play in front of you.

So, this month of July is the time for you to contemplate your level of understanding of responsibility: How, or even if, you are a responsible person, in the way we talk about it; in relation to busting the illusion of control and accepting responsibility. This month is about staying conscious as you walk your path about your level of responsibility. Are you being it? Are you practicing responsibility rather than reacting? There is drama everywhere. This, indeed, gives us our best opportunity to practice responsibility by being a force for change amidst the dramatic goings-on of the illusory world.

Let’s take this practice to a step beyond this level of our day to day lives. The real learning, growth, and practice comes with our understanding that part of responsibility is knowing, at the deepest level, that we are responsible for ‘everything.’ -Whoa! “Now that sounds off the charts, Darity; hold the phone!”

If we are ready to hear, we can grasp what Eastern traditions have taught for millennia, that true spirituality is being aware that we are interconnected with everything and everyone else. We are, indeed, One Being and even our smallest thought, word, and action has a real effect throughout the Universe.

This may sound crazy if you have not contemplated it before, but it’s like the pebble thrown in the pond. The ripples move and merge with one another and create new ones along the way. Everything is inextricably interconnected. With this comes the realization that we are, in fact, responsible for everything we say, do, or think. This brings us to the next level, that we are responsible for ourselves, everyone, and everything else, and the entire cosmos.

In A Policy of Kindness: An Anthology of Writings by and about the Dalai Lama (Ithaca, NY; Snow Lion 1990), His Holiness, the Dalai Lama says (on pages 113-114):


In today’s highly interdependent world, individuals and nations can no longer resolve many of their problems by themselves. We need one another. We must therefore develop a sense of universal responsibility…It is our collective and individual responsibility to protect and nurture the global family, to support its weaker members and to preserve and tend to the environment in which we all live.


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And so, this Oracle is here for you to consider the state of your attachment to the illusion of control. Contemplate lifting the veil and exploring your very own concept and relationship to Responsibility. Look at how it manifests itself in your life. Then, if you take of the gauntlet to practice being more responsible, in this spiritual sense, develop more of your personal connection to the Divine essence of All That Is.

By being responsible for all that you are and do, you will be able to give up the illusion of control for good, or at least give it the old college try, eh? This helps us all continue to evolve, grow and change. We become more of our true selves, birthing the New Reality along the way, awakening more to our life’s purpose and what we wish to accomplish in this lifetime.

Pondering the spiritual realms and other constructs beyond the illusions will truly ground you further in the bonds of Divine Love. This holds us all together, all the time, no matter what. So remember…all you need is love. Love will propel you more and more into the expansion of your ability to accept responsibility for everything, as well as your ability to respond!!

Let your mantra for the month of July be: I AM taking responsibility for my life. It is a free choice, as I release the illusion of control of anything and choose to be responsible for my being-ness…And So It Is!!!


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About The Author

Darity Wesley is the Founder and Chief Spiritual Revivalist at ReviveYourSpirit based in San Diego, California. You can contact her at: You can follow her on Twitter: @SpiritReviver. If you wish to subscribe to The Daily Oracle~™, just send an email to, with “Subscribe” in the subject line. If you are on Facebook, help promote Darity by clicking the “Like” button at © 2015 The RYS Center All Rights Reserved.

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