Psyche Blocks – Conditioning or Karma?

Psyche Blocks – Are They Conditioning or Karma?
Conditioning and Karma are two different things, yet they become aligned to make or break a person.
To begin with, what is conditioning? Conditioning, in layman language, includes the thoughts, patterns and belief system, which is embedded in one’s psyche formulated throughout childhood or upbringing. Karma, on the other hand, is “what you sow is what you reap.” In occult language, it is known as the wheel of fortune.
Understanding how conditioning can impact one’s personality and the various wounds imprinted in one’s psyche due to conditioning is essential.
4 Common Psyche Blocks
Psyche Block #1 – I am not worthy
During childhood, getting reprimanded by your parents in public when you have asked for something may leave a deep impact on your mind, which could create a sense of unworthiness within you. The signal in your psyche may be “I am not worthy.” Now, what happens next is the ‘unworthy’ scar gets embedded in the psyche. Anytime in the future, the child doesn’t get something s/he desires, the message triggered in their mind is “I am worthless; that’s why I did not get it.” Then, s/he stops trying! S/he accepts that their fate is being unworthy of receiving any good!
The repercussions of this situation is very detrimental! The child grows up into an adult with a potentially scarred personality. The adult could vie for attention and acceptance resulting in an attention seeking behavior. S/he will always try to outdo others in a bid to buy attention. The core wound shouts “Because I am not worthy.” Loss of Individuality – Many families follow a paradigm. They expect the younger generations to follow suit. Every decision made by the family members has to be first approved by the elders of the family. Freedom of decision making is out of character in such a household. Eventually, this perpetrates a sense of followership in the youngsters in these families. They feel stifled, but find it impossible to voice their decisions. In turn, this results in creating a fear block in the psyche of the child. When these children grow into an adult they find it difficult to stand their ground even when they know the situation demands otherwise. They tend to lack confidence and are never sure of their decisions while seem to always be dependent on others to call the shots! The core wound shouts “My decisions doesn’t matter anyways.”
Psyche Block #2 – Low Self Esteem
In many families, parents have a habit of comparing their children with other ones. This is very apparent in Indian families where children are compared with other children in a negative way. Such comparisons demean the kid’s self-esteem. They feel judged almost all the time. This creates a low self-esteem block in the psyche of the kid. He grows up into an adult who is not very comfortable in his skin, feels he is less deserving and will often have judgements about everything. The core wound shouts “Because I was always judged and criticized.”
Psyche Block #3 – God decides our fate
Worldwide parents have imprinted in their child’s head that “God decides our fate.” Such children carry this mind block way into adulthood always believing that s/he has no control over their own destiny. This transpires into an inability to take ownership of one’s action. Such adults are gullible because they feel somebody up there is calling the shots. Therefore, such individuals stop trying at times. The core wound shouts “God decided my life, I have no power!”
Psyche Block #4 – Money Block
All of us have some time in our life faced a sense of insecurity pertaining to ‘money. Many times, this insecurity stems from upbringing. Our parents have fed into our psyche “There’s not enough to get by; you have to struggle and work hard to earn your living.”
The message that seeps in the psyche of the child is “more money means more hard work and more struggle.” Eventually, this causes an unnecessary stress in the adult since money denotes hardship and wanting. The core wound shouts “There’s not enough to get by.”
These are few of the psyche blocks, which have been conditioned in us by our environment. Though these may not be apparent in a person at first, deep down they do affect one’s personality. Interestingly enough, we end up misplacing psyche blocks as karma.
We believe we have deep seated insecurities about our worthiness, self-esteem, confidence and money issues – not because of our upbringing, but because we did some karma in our past lives, and it’s now affecting our personality in this negative way. Past lives do exist and do affect our personality, but discernment is important to understand the fine line that divides conditioning and karma. Many psyche blocks can be released if we study the environment, including the culture, family, community and educational system a person is part of. When a significant personality issue is not resolved, we can regress the person because then the imprints are carried forward from a past life as karma. The message here is that one should understand the difference between conditioning and karma and release the psyche blocks accordingly.
Simple tips to release a psyche block:
1. Identify the block
2. Meditate
3. Seek assistance from a psychologist or a shaman
4. Read self-help books
5. Utilize sound healing
6. Journal your thoughts daily
7. Move your physical body through dance and exercise
8. Past life regression
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About the Author
Sunanda Sharma is a professional tarot card reader, psychic, author and life coach. A published author, she has written two books titled, Inspiration from the Spirit Volume 1 and Inspiration from the Spirit Volume II, which are available on and

Sunanda Sharma is a professional Tarot Card Reader, Psychic, Author and Life Coach from India. She is a member of Best American Psychics Team 2013, Member of Certified Psychic Society 2013 and Winner Tarot Super Achievers Award 2012 in India.