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Shift Your Money Mindset

Shift Your Money Mindset


by Kathryn Remati

Our goal of living an abundant and happy life, with all our creative and financial needs met, is why we work so hard every day. When working harder and longer hours isn’t being reflected back to us in our bank balance, we need to look at our mindset about money.

Abundance or lack thereof is connected to feelings inside of us. These feelings come from our past experiences. According to Eckhart Tolle, “a person’s thinking and beliefs are conditioned by their past: their upbringing and culture they live in.” Negative experiences as a child can create a scarcity mindset. If we overheard our parents fighting over money, we may relate acquiring affluence with instability and fear. A chaotic family life where there was never enough money but plenty of drama around the subject can create deep patterns of resistance such as blaming others for lack, overspending to fill a void or hanging on too tight for fear of running out of it.

There are many individuals who are unable to free themselves from the burden of guilt they feel from ignoring the class structure that confined their parents. Making over a certain amount can actually cause shame and feelings of unworthiness, so success is often sabotaged without being conscious of what is really happening at a deeper level. These mindsets can hold our earning potential hostage. If we have a failure mindset, we are fighting the natural flow of the universe – always swimming upstream and wondering why we don’t seem to be getting anywhere.

There are 4 holistic approaches to shifting our money mindset from lack to one of plenty:


4 Ways to Shift Your Money Mindset

Money Mindset 1. Visualize

Visualizing a happier, positive image of an abundant life that meets our needs, as well as the needs of others, is a great way to start. We can write our own script and act out our life the way we want it.

Visualization while in a meditative, relaxed state will cement our new attitude into our consciousness and send out positive energies that will match up with corresponding results, clearing the path to a new reality. At any time, we can choose what future we want and begin making changes for our highest good. Think about it. Our present predicament is a result of every decision and thought we had in the past. A life of abundance can be as simple as imagining a better future now.

Money Mindset 2. Be Positive

Changing our self-talk is another method to unsnarl our past programming. Affirmations will end the self-defeating negative way we perceive the world. If we have convinced ourselves we aren’t good enough, perfect enough, old enough, smart enough, fast enough, rich enough or lucky enough, then we need to wise up to those lies. They only produce frustration in our lives.

We need to start speaking the truth about ourselves. The truth is that we have unlimited potential and power within us. We can get back into harmony by changing our thought patterns and start believing in something more honest and empowering.

Money Mindset 3. Write Our Affirmations

Write down a few sentences such as “I am smart enough to succeed,” “I am releasing the past and letting it go,” “I am truly lucky and blessed,” “The universe is abundant and there are plenty of great jobs for me to enjoy,” “I choose to see myself as successful and happy,” to name a few. We can read these starting in the morning and as much as we can until right before sleep.

Reading an affirmation as the last thing we do before sleep will carry it into our subconscious where the past programming has been stored.

Money Mindset 4. Meditate

Meditation is a way to clear these blockages once and for all. Going within to the unlimited field of possibilities will free you of labels, resistance, judgment and fear. It will break through the hypnosis of social conditioning surrounding money.

The brain is like a computer and the negative attitudes we have accumulated over time are the programs we feed into the computer. Meditation reboots the brain by deleting negativity and blockages that limit our ideas about prosperity. Inputting positive programs, while in a state of meditation, will lead to success in the outer world.

See Also

Meditate and visualize for 15 minutes first thing in the morning in order to set oneself up for an awesome day. We will carry that peace with us and attract amazing people and experiences into our lives. Meditate again at the end of the day to let go of any accumulated stress physically and mentally. This is another excellent time to reboot our brain for better health, happiness and abundance.

When we close our eyes and go within, we dissolve our egos and outside distractions. We relax physically, our emotions become calm and our thoughts are stilled. That is when we come into contact with inner peace and love. Like a rusty tap, it will only drip at first, but the more we practice silent time with our true selves, the easier and more effective it becomes. Before you know it, the faucet is flowing with miracles and more.

According to Deepak Chopra, abundance and affluence is our natural state and all we have to do is “restore the memory of what we already know.” We can stop living on automatic, unconsciously going through the motions as dictated by a fearful past by meditating daily to discover the truth within. It is time to shift our mindsets from lack to plenty. To quote Glinda, the Good Witch, from The Wizard of Oz: “You had the power all along, my dear.”


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About the Author

Kathryn Remati is a Boston-based meditation facilitator and creator of the Tranquil Spectrum App for Apple devices. Kathryn completed graduate and post-graduate studies in Humanistic Psychology (BA) and Organizational Behavior (MA) in Australia where she taught Alpha brainwave training techniques.

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