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5 Steps to Find Your Soul Mate

5 Steps to Find Your Soul Mate

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Find your soul mate by opening yourself to your intuition.

Find Your Soul Mate

by Lisa K.



Plato told a story of soul mates being once bonded together as one and then Zeus split them apart. Since then the two have sought each other out as each half seeking to be completed by their other half. They have an unspoken understanding of each other and feel united as if they were twins. Since then many people have looked for their perfect mate, that one and only “soul mate.” Whether soul mates exist is debatable, but many of us seek that special someone we can be with who is like no other, that one person who fits us best.

Your intuition knows who is right for you and who is not. When it comes to love, our minds get clouded with over thinking about the ideals of who we believe will be our perfect partner. Our inner guidance knows who would be our perfect partner and finding them requires less thinking and more tuning into that guidance.

Here are some steps you can take to use your intuition to find your soul mate:


Five Steps to Find Your Soul Mate

Find Your Soul Mate Step 1. Have an open mind.

Interestingly enough, finding someone to share your innermost self, your hopes and dreams, your heart and day-to-day life requires an open mind. Who you think is your dream partner may be a construct that could be a little too ideal and a bit too restricted. When you have an open mind, your intuition can more easily be heard. The time when you are relaxed and not looking is the best time when your intuition can guide you to someone who may surprise you. Remember, judgment is what squashes your intuitive messages.


Find Your Soul Mate Step 2. Take action and hold your preconceived ideas at bay.

Your intuition may say, “Go talk to that person over there” when you think, “That person doesn’t look very interesting.” But you never know, because your intuition does know without knowing how you know it. So go talk to that person and see where your intuition leads you.


Find Your Soul Mate Step 3. Forget the signs.

Many people come to me, searching for their soul mate looking so hard for the “one”. They look for signs that reassure them they have found them. They have predetermined who their soul mate will be so they try to make a person fit that description. They look for the indicators that affirm their search is over. If you really have found your soul mate, you don’t need signs to tell you, you know.


Find Your Soul Mate Step 4. It’s okay to be comfortable friends.

Soul mates will know each other because it will feel like a comfortable friendship. It may not be the person you expected. You may find your friends in the beginning because it is comfortable. It intuitively feels right. It feels natural and calm. You can sit on the couch all day and just talk or be together doing not much at all.

See Also


Find Your Soul Mate Step 5. Watch out for those subtle nagging feelings.

The wrong person may actually make you feel extreme excitement at first, but you find yourself saying, “I love him, he makes me excited, but… I have a little nagging feeling that something’s not right.” That’s your intuition telling you this may not be the right person for you. Intuitive messages are subtle and fleeting. Intuitive messages don’t always yell and scream at you, they are often like whispers. They allow you to make conscious decisions and choices for yourself, so you have to listen carefully.

Be open and listen to what your intuition has to say about love and finding that special someone. You never know, they may be sitting right next to you without your even knowing it!

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About the Author

Lisa K. is a teacher, author and speaker specializing in intuition. Lisa teaches people how to connect to their inner divine guidance. Known as the intuition expert, Lisa has taught hundreds of people intuition development in workshops and seminars. Lisa K.’s public appearances reach people around the world through guest speaking, online media and her popular radio show, “Between Heaven and Earth,” on everyday spirituality. For more information about Lisa’s events, workshops and free eBook with 16 intuition exercises you can do alone, go to

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