Following Your Heart’s Path

by Carl Studna
Do you wake up each morning feeling ignited, inspired, and on-purpose with your deepest inner calling? Does your body feel alive and vital with boundless energy to support your visions? Are you filled with joy and enthusiasm every day as you’re out in the world fulfilling your gifts and talents?
Take this moment to tune into your body’s rhythm and energy. Are your cells feeling fully activated in light, or do you feel a sense of tension and tightness? Are you breathing fully, trusting that everything and everyone is supporting you, or does your breath feel shallow and constricted?
Whenever we hold onto beliefs based in doubt, we block the natural flow of energy that innately desires to fulfill our heart’s truest path. When our energetic field is open, we naturally move forward in a graceful momentum that supports our fullest expression and success. Yet, how do we keep our field open on a consistent basis when the world around us seems to constantly be broadcasting doom and gloom? Not to deny the fact that this planet is filled with poverty, hunger, suffering and pain. The world as its own organism is in deep need of healing and this critical condition can either bring us down or strengthen our resolve to anchor in a greater sense of compassion and be a part of the healing change.
It’s essential that we raise our vibrational field above the day-to-day challenges that face this planet and our society. Our devotion to a daily practice that instills a greater sense of inner-peace and mindfulness is imperative. It is only from this lightened and heightened purview that we can authentically be receptors and effectively hear and follow our inner-directive. But first, we may need to do some internal house cleaning and sweep away any old beliefs that conflict with our expansive visions.
In her book, Your Heart’s Desire, Sonia Choquette writes, “…what you consciously desire and what you subconsciously believe about that desire must be in agreement for you to succeed. If you hold your attention on a conscious desire, but subconsciously harbor beliefs that are in conflict with your goal, you are going to come to a creative impasse.”
How do we become aware of those ancient beliefs that are so comfortably lodged in our subconscious mind? One sure-fire way that’s proven effective in bringing these rascals to the surface is through placing our attention on what it feels like when we’re in flow and in harmony with everything around us. Typically, in this heightened state, our breath is full, our body feels relaxed and ignited, and we view the world around us from a rich state of gratitude and enthusiasm. Conversely, when we feel stressed, when our bodies are tight, and we harbor low to high levels of depression or concern, these are pretty clear signs that some conflicting beliefs are weakening our conviction and damming up the natural flow of inspired vision.
Once we begin to strengthen this awareness, we have the ability to shine the light of truth on each belief that’s been hindering our expansion. Let’s say that your greatest calling right now is to write a cookbook. You LOVE to cook and you’ve been refining recipes for the past ten years. Your friends are constantly complementing your culinary skills and supporting you in publishing a collection of your amazing dishes.
In your mind, you continue to have the reoccurring thought, “I should get started on putting this cookbook together!” Yet, every time the thought surfaces, opposing thoughts creep into your head giving you a list of reasons why it’s too hard or not practical at this time.
~ Don’t have the money to publish.
~ What makes my recipes worthy for a book?
~ What if nobody buys it?
~ My life is so full with other obligations, how can I possibly find the time?
We all know this internal, critical voice that disguises itself as the voice of reason, when in reality, it’s the voice of treason! You instantly shift from an uplifted, inspired vibration to a downward spiral of limited thinking. If you were a car, you’d feel as if someone deflated all of your tires making you immobile and stagnant. Since you’ve been devoted to your daily practice of mindfulness, you immediately see that your tires are low and whip out your high-powered pump, raising you to the perfect inflated specs! You recognize that these dis-empowering beliefs hold no weight in your world and you release each of them and replace them with a viable solution.
~ I’ll launch an online campaign fund to raise capital.
~ I’m always getting loads of compliments on my recipes, so they must be worthy to share!
~ It’s not critical how many people buy my book. What’s important is that I’m willing to share my gift with the world and touch those that will receive value.
~ I can realistically devote six hours a week to this project, and it will complete itself in the perfect timeline.
Whether it’s a cookbook, a new career, or a strengthened and healthy body, we always have the ability to raise our awareness and choose the most illumined path that’s guided by the compass of our heart. Believe it. Trust in it, and you will always remain on course. The world is waiting!
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About the Author
Carl Studna is a world-renowned photographer, inspirational speaker, teacher and award winning author. Carl has taken his message and experiences to print in his book, CLICK! Choosing Love One Frame at a Time. Studna’s innovative work, the LuminEssence Method©, teaches a new paradigm for radiating the light that resides within revealing each person’s authentic gifts.

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