Jupiter in Virgo: Clean Up Crew Has Arrived

Jupiter in Virgo: The Clean Up Crew Has Arrived (And You’re In It)
To listen to Astrologer Kathy Biehl’s astrology forecast of Jupiter in Virgo, click the player below:
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The old song “The Party’s Over” is in the air. (Don’t know it? Have a listen). It’s sounding one of the themes of the next 13 months, as bigger-is-better Jupiter travels through the improvement zone of Virgo. Jupiter in Virgo is Good News for all of us. It’s turning some of the rubble of the past three years into firm and sturdy foundations. Not to mention, encouraging quite a lot of clean-up work.
A back-to-school, back-to-work vibe will underlie the entire time of Jupiter’s in Virgo, which lasts from August 11, 2015 to September 9, 2016. The early days have the feel of coming to after a wild party and easing into putting your surroundings — and yourself — back in a semblance of order. No matter how much of a mess you see, there’s no need to rush. Let your head adjust. Tidy up one pile of clutter at a time. Progress in increments. Take care of yourself, while you’re at it. No hair of the dog that bit you; drink something gentle and soothing. And take an aspirin, too.
Besides, bigger gifts are coming than getting your house straightened up. For one, he’s bringing his usual bounty of betterment and growth to the areas of your life represented by the house(s)where Virgo falls in your chart. (If you don’t know where that is, you can order a free chart wheel one from the bottom of this page at my site.) Since Jupiter’s impact is subtle — he’s not one to tap dance in your path with lights flashing, or bean you with a cosmic 2×4 — you may not see the benefits till after he has set them in motion. You should, however, be sensing renewed optimism already, whether you or not can put your finger on why, especially after other cosmic forces hit the reset button in that area in September.
This time around, Jupiter is also bringing his bounty to some construction works in progress that should very easy to spot. And possibly put your finger on, tangibly.
Jupiter has a starring role in the aftermath of the upheaval we’ve all been experiencing in the past three years, as Uranus and Pluto, agents of unpredictable and unavoidable change, have been uprooting the foundations of our lives. It’s only fitting that he address the aftermath, because he’s partially responsible for the chaos currently around us.
In his time in Leo (August 2014-1015), Jupiter amped up the rebellious, liberating, individual-empowering, Uranian end of that clash. While in Virgo, Jupiter is cooperating with the permanent, restructuring and Plutonian arm of that clash. Their teamwork is encouraging stability and security to take the place of the chaos — like flowers poking up through the rubble after an earthquake, or new construction on a site that’s been razed. As replacement or remodeled structures, situations and foundations firm up and stabilize, we will see more and more the point — and the benefit — of the turmoil we’ve endured.
As we improve our lives here and there and occasionally put on a hard hat and visit the big job site, Jupiter in Virgo will coax out all kinds of sub-personalities: Felix Ungar; Florence Nightingale; Debbie Downer, to name a few. Fussbudgets will be on the rise, showing themselves even in those of us who run more to the Oscar Madison approach to housekeeping. It will be easy to see the cup not merely as half empty, but also as dirty, or cracked, or needing replacement.
If your attitude wanders down that path, it’s okay to give it free reign — for a while. The outlook could inspire a bout of cleaning, scrubbing, tossing, rearranging and reorganizing that will free up space. Put a timer on it, though. That’s appropriate. Virgo appreciates boundaries. Set them for your own thinking and you will only benefit. Then take your vitamins, eat a nourishing meal and allow yourself some down time. You’ll have plenty of work to do. Pace yourself. And smell some roses while you’re at it. The scent will bring you back into your body. And that’s where the action is.
Learn what Jupiter in Virgo means for you! Order Kathy’s Jupiter in Virgo mp3 (which addresses all the signs) and her mini-reading guides for each sign.
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About the Astrologer
Kathy Biehl is an astrologer, Tarot master and Best American Psychics member who helps individuals and businesses understand (and laugh about!) themselves, their options and the people in their lives. empowermentunlimited.net

Kathy Biehl has been a professional astrologer and psychic for more than 30 years. Book a private session with Kathy at EmpowermentUnlimited.net, where you can sign up for her newsletter, listen to her weekly podcasts, and purchase her recordings. You can also follow her daily insights and whimsical photos on Facebook, and find her at the Professional Aquarian YouTube channel.