Oracle for August 2015 – Determination

by Darity Wesley
Determination: The energies and directions for the month of August are evolving around determination. I asked, “Hmmmm…. We have been working on illusions and its layers over the past seven months, so what is this about?”
What I got was: “As we move into this eighth month, the energies are pointing us to be determined to see through these layers, to be determined to complete the spiritual journeys we have been put upon this year, to be determined to find or express our purpose, be determined to do the inner work to find out and express who we really are, and be determined to stay on our journey of evolving our consciousness…so many journeys that move us beyond the layers of illusion. So do, please, read on….
There are so many ways we can pierce our illusions but much like January’s willpower and February’s paying attention, being determined in your journey to pierce them, to break through procrastination, resistance, limitation is what August is all about.
I don’t know about you, but July was an unhinging chaotic changing of directions for many folks, myself included. Things went off the rails from an energetic perspective. I found out late in July that many of us on the spiritual path were having this experience in one way or another, or at some level or another. Yet it is our life and perhaps life changing. If you pay attention and honor the experiences the Universe provides to you, your determination to continue conscious expansion grows.
It is interesting, when we look at the many lessons we have learned along the way. Each and every day, especially for one whose focus is seeing through Maya, those lessons support the one who wants to be released, the one who wants to wake up from the dream. In the process, these lessons bring us to taking that monumental leap of deterministic power into being all that we are and can be!
As we do here on the Oracle, we like to define our terms so we are clear as to the meaning of a word, as misunderstood words cause confusion and lack of understanding. So, in checking that out, determination is defined as, “firmness of purpose,” or “resoluteness,” on the Google dictionary. Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines determination as, “a quality that makes you continue trying to do or achieve something that is difficult.” It is also defined as, “the act of officially deciding something.”
Both of these work for our discussion here; however, the Oracle resists the word “trying” in any way, in any sense. That word, “try” is a word without commitment or intention. I will “try” to get you a glass of water. I will “try” to be a nice person. (In other words, you know how hard that is! I’m not sure I can.) I will “try” to do the inner work. The positive, powerful way is, of course “I will get you a glass of water.” “I will be a nice person!” “I will do the inner work!” – I hope you see my point. See if you can remove the word “try” from your vocabulary. Catch yourself before it comes out of your mouth.
Anyway, in using the definition of determination in relation to busting our illusions, this would be that there is no falling back, no slip sliding away to the easier, softer path of just going along to get along. There certainly are times to just go along to get along; however, this August is not one of those months!
With determination, we are birthing a new world paradigm. We are flowing our energy to a planetary awakening. Those of us on the spiritual path, who have awakened at some level, realize the world in the way we know it, as it is, cannot continue. Change is happening. Everyone, even those who are holding for and believing in the status quo, are part of these huge changes happening here on this planet at this time. Determination is an important part of the expression that those of us bringing in the new, the true, the real, the honest, and the compassionate understanding, that is this new way to be. It reinforces our sense of self determination to see this through to the end of our physical existence in this time and space.
There is so much happening on so many levels, including inside and outside the illusion. Much is being revealed to those who have ears to hear and eyes to see. Much is falling apart. At the same time, much is falling together.
As we observe these changes on the planet and within ourselves, our families, our relationships, our professions, and even our very lives, we need to continue our resolve. Our determination to continue to see and know the future, relates to what it is we feel exactly what it is we see for the world. We are determined to choose a peaceful place of existence, supporting each other along the way, not killing each other en masse. This determination should flow through your feet and into the planet every step you take: a new sense of determination every step of the way.
What we are upon here is not for the faint of heart. No matter what you have faced over these past months as we grow through the illusion, you must determine in August to see it through to the very end. All the way through!!! All really is well! We know this deep within our beings.
The underlying allness is still and strong and sustains us every step of the way, as we allow that energy to feed our physical, mental, and spiritual bodies. We are the lighthouses, here to show the way, no matter where we are on the path because those who are awakening need to awaken to who they are and we can support them.
Be determined this month to explore different dimensions within yourself as we explore the worlds of human potential, busting illusions all along the way. Also determine this month how best to balance all the emotional, physical, and spiritual energies that are working on you to understand they are bringing you to a new place within your personal world. This will support the manifestation of the newer, truer, more authentic being that you are, and that evolving consciousness that you are becoming. Barbara Marx Hubbard calls it, Homo Universalis – we who are working these changes within ourselves and on this planet. Our thoughts, words, and action are supporting the determination of our planet, including the animal and mineral kingdoms, and urging life itself into a new reality.
Being determined in whatever it is you have set your mind to (and may have been procrastinating about), being determined in whatever it is you have set your mind to do and taking action on it, and being or becoming determined to find your purpose are all important factors for us this month of August. Being determined in our pondering of the spiritual realms and other constructs we have been discovering this year beyond the illusions will truly ground us further in the bonds of Divine Love. It is this that holds it all together, all the time no matter what so remember…all you need is love. It will propel you more and more into the expansion and sustenance of your ability to be determined in whatever you put your mind to this month!
Let your mantra for the month of August be: I AM determined to see this journey through, and to not “try” to do anything, I just do it…And So It Is!!!
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About the Author
Darity Wesley is the Founder and Chief Spiritual Revivalist at ReviveYourSpirit™ based in San Diego, California. You can contact her at, and follow her on Twitter @SpiritReviver. Subscribe to Darity’s ~The Daily Oracle~™ by sending an email to: Simply put “Subscribe” in the subject line. On Facebook, help promote Darity by clicking the “Like” button at:
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