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Pope Francis: The People’s Pope

Pope Francis: The People’s Pope


But, interestingly, I think most people were voting to end homophobia, which is rampant in our country. It’s not gone yet. But, I think that is one of the things.

Who’s to know that in maybe 50 or 100 years’ time we decide to define marriage all over again and we decide that it’s a good idea for a husband to have two wives or a wife to have two husbands or–you know, things could change again. So, it’ll be silly for us simply to say that this new definition of marriage between two members of the same gender is going to be the end because,in the future, it could all change once more, and we could have polyandry, all sorts of polygamy, all sorts of modulations and changes I think in the future.

So, okay, the church has this very clear view, and, as far as Jesus is concerned, iIt’s obvious that, in his view, that marriage is between man and woman, and that also brings along children. But, even with the artificial assisted reproduction, things have changed as well. Things have nobody could have guessed even 50 or 100 years ago.

So, I guess it’ll be very foolish for any of us to make definitive judgments about what’s going to happen in the future because we just don’t know. We’d be shooting in the dark

OMTIMES: If I had to pick one trait that I see in Pope Francis that I see him imprinting upon the Catholic Church is Pope Francis is very much a man of inclusion.

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Father Collins: Exactly, I agree. That–you’re right. That’s kind of a key quality in him, uh-huh.

OMTIMES: And, you know, this has rippled out everywhere. He’s been doing a lot of the–of outreaches as far as interfaith dialogue, and the Vatican recently recognized the Palestinian State, which, you know, has caused tensions in some circles. Do you see, or does he see an active Vatican outreach being able to ease the suffering of the Palestinians in Gaza and ultimately bring peace to the region?

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