Pope Francis: The People’s Pope
So, what we’ve done is to try and get all these angles and see Pope Francis in all the various different stages of the day, he’s meeting people, etc. One of the pictures we found it quite difficult to get was to get him in his study talking to some colleagues and tackling some of these issues and trying to work on some of the things that he’s interested in.
And another thing that he’s very passionate in is, I had mentioned on another occasion, human trafficking. That’s something which he’s really, really rolled up his sleeves about because he’s aware now that he’s a world leader. Okay, he doesn’t tour the country, but he has the kind of moral authority among a lot of Catholics, and indeed, other people of goodwill. And he wants to address two projects which have become very close to his heart – issues and problem with migration – his own father was a migrant from Italy in the 1920s – and also this whole phenomenon of human trafficking, which is worth I think something like $36 billion per annum, and which is run by pirates, by unscrupulous mafia people. They’re kidnapping kids, they’re using them for organ donation, they’re selling them into the sex trade, they’re sending down mines to pull up minerals, all this type of thing.
So, last year, last November, he got a group of police officers–well, police intelligence officers, I should say, throughout the world, to come to the Vatican and take part in a think take, and it was a sudden success. And the lady who was in charge of it, she said, you know, we thought we were just going to have another boring meeting that we have four times a year, and this thing is explosive.
He followed that up in July, meeting with the mayors of the main cities in the world, which are really destroyed by human trafficking. And then, in November of this year, 2015, he intends to invite some IT specialists, in fact a lot of them coming from the United States. And obviously, you would probably be able to guess the names. I couldn’t say them, but you’ll be able to guess the names of these big IT people who are going to come to the Vatican, and they’re going to put their heads together and work out what way using the internet they can actually trick these mafia, trick these people around and try and break up this industry, because it is really an industry of $36 billion a year, to break it up and then restore people’s freedom.
Christopher Buck is the co-founder of Humanity Healing in 2007, which rippled out into the 501c3 public charity, Humanity Healing International, and its subsidiary, OMTimes Media. He is the CEO of both companies. In addition, Christopher serves as the Chairman of the Board of the Saint Lazarus Relief Fund, the 501c3 public charity for the Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem. Christopher had the honor of being Knighted in Malta in 2014.