5 Ways to Recognize your Inner Voice

Learn to Recognize your Inner Voice
by Celeste Du Toit
There is a Cherokee tale of the two wolves inside us, one evil filled with jealousy, anger, hatred, false pride, self-pity, and resentment, and the other good being full of joy, peace, love, faith, and compassion. So, the question in this tale is: which wolf wins?
There are also two voices within us. Our inner being has an amazing way of knowing the truth. A deep intuition, it involves an understanding beyond words, experiences or what we perceive through our senses. We can put up a facade and ignore it, but that little voice will keep popping up.
However, most people don’t recognize it or simply do not hear it. It is muted by the sounds of the outer life which demands our attention. Moreover, it is drowned out by the sound of that outer evil, negative voice that sits on our shoulders and pretends to be us. This other voice, which is made up of false beliefs, perceptions and negative thoughts may lead us astray, tell us we are not good enough or it can’t be done as well as a host of other untruths.
Therefore, how do we tell the difference between these two voices, and how do we know which voice to listen to? Firstly, you need to be able hear the inner voice.
Take a moment to reflect on this and be honest with yourself. Can you hear that little voice? Do you recognize it? Do you listen to it and stay true to it? Do you boast about “your gut always being right” without really understanding it?
Sometimes, it takes years of undoing the things that drowned out that little voice, so we need to learn to reconnect with ourselves and our inner beings.
Here are a few practices I find helpful in recognizing your inner voice:
5 Ways to Recognize Your Inner Voice
Inner Voice 1. Become more creative
The inner voice is not something linear, rational or concrete. It may come to us in such a form, but it is only so we can recognize it easier. Mostly, it may be something that requires a different perspective. Becoming more creative is not about taking up the paintbrush, but about acquiring a creative attitude or some out-of-the-box thinking, so you can perceive it. The outer voice is often a thought, but the inner voice requires a more creative, subtle and different approach of connecting with our true Self.
Inner Voice 2. Become aware
Be still, empty, spacious and really listen. Practice mindfulness of the moment; be totally present in the here and now. Take in the moment fully without judgment. Practice focusing whilst also being mindful of your surroundings without attachment. Notice things. You’ll be amazed how much you notice when you focus on noticing and how much easier you connect with your inner voice.
Inner Voice 3. Respond, do not react
Reaction is a repetitive act towards something external. Responding is a way of being from the inside. When we react, we give away our power by obeying the outer voice. When we respond, we do it from a place of power from our inner voice. Separate the messenger (the person, event or words that you cause you to act) from the message. Respond to the message without reacting to the messenger.
Inner Voice 4. Pay attention to signs
Sometimes it may not be a voice, it may be a sign you see, something you feel or just know. If you are skeptical about signs, you may be skeptical about your inner voice, too. Start noticing what happens: random occurrences, events that appear co-incidental, and those things you observe around you. These are all signs about the road you need to take or not take, which is your true inner voice. Learn to pay attention and to value these signs.
Inner Voice 5. Trust yourself
Have you ever met someone and immediately clicked? It is much easier to share and to trust someone we feel a strong connection with – even if that connection seems inexplicable! So often, we don’t connect with ourselves. We can do that through meditation, breathing practices, journaling, connecting with nature, retreats, teachers and gurus, and other practices. These are all excellent practices that support making a connection, but find what resonates with you.
People sometimes spend years searching and trying many different things. Although the search for self-growth and transformation is a personal one, guidance is a gift some people are willing and skilled to give. A coach can help identify the clutter in our heads, so we can be more authentic and better able to understand that little voice while offering their support while we implement and sustain good practices to make it stick.
Oh, and about the Cherokee tale of the two wolves, so which one wins? The one you feed!
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About the Author
Celeste Du Toit is a free-spirited nature lover and traveler who helps people find renewed energy by clearing all those habits, beliefs, and blockages that keep us stuck. She works individually or with groups, teaches workshops, and delivers inspirational speaking engagements.

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