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Simone Milasas – Joy Of Business

Simone Milasas – Joy Of Business

Simone Milasas: Yeah. I do think it’s interesting. If you ask yourself the question, “am I more comfortable in debt or not in debt?” One of the things I realized was I had actually created the place where I was more comfortable having no money. A lot of people use no money as the source of creation rather than saying, if you had all the money in the world, what would you create? So, how much are you using money or no money as the source of creation?

So, ask yourself, am I more comfortable being in debt or actually having money. I mean, when I realized that I actually had money and I wasn’t in debt any more, within two weeks, I’d created debt again. Now, I’m grateful, because I had the tools of Access Consciousness to actually change that, and I realized what I was creating.

I think the main thing, Chris, is if you’re willing to be aware of what you’re creating, then you can change anything. I’m not saying it’s the easiest thing in the world, and you have to have the courage to have a look at what you’re currently creating with your money flows, with your life, with your business, with your relationships, with everything and then ask a question, okay, what would I actually like this to look like, and then what steps do I need to take to create that because you are the creator of your life, nobody else. It’s you.


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Dr.Cassandra Ohlsen

Christopher Buck: Well, I think many people abdicate on that. I’ve done that myself in the past. I would be quoting William E. Henley’s Invictus, “I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul”, but at the same time, I would be doing things that really kept me in the same rut that I was in, and not creating prosperity and not creating the life I wanted, but just surviving.

I think it’s tough to get out of survival mode with a lot of people and actually get into what you’re saying is the joy of business or the joy of creating the life you want.

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