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Stewart Pearce: The Angels of Atlantis

Stewart Pearce: The Angels of Atlantis



OMTimes Magazine is thrilled to share this exclusive interview with Stewart Pearce by Jill V. Mangino

A Voice from The Temple

ARCHANGELS in the form of orbs of light once bequeathed me the vision of a Temple of Sound Healing. This took place during the legendary Harmonic Convergence of August 16 & 17 1987, and the temple was to be known as ‘The Alchemy of Voice’.

During that summer of 1987 a cosmic portal opened, through an astrological grand trine shifting in the heavens. This momentous event was the dawning of Aquarius, and effectively awakened 144,000 Rainbow Light Warriors from thousands of years’ worth of slumber. For over that fateful weekend ordinary folk suddenly became aware of the profound prophecies of the Mayan Elders, who were at one time Atlantian beings, and how their ancient Calendar would continue alerting us by revelation upon revelation, through a further period of twenty-five years, up to 2012.

What was revealed to us was mighty – that thousands of years ago our souls were charged with a specific task – to assist the arousal and healing of planetary spiritual intelligence. Furthermore, that we who carry this information have always venerated life on planet Earth, knowing that a recalibration would be necessary, by removing a vast veil of illusion from individual and collective consciousness. And when this veil of uncertainty was expunged, human sensing would be attuned to a much higher octave of knowledge!

See Also

aa_smallJill V. Mangino: Who are the Angels of Atlantis?

Stewart Pearce: The Angels of Atlantis have arrived as a unique collective. They appear as a summit conference of twelve beings of Light – twelve signifying the universal resonance frequency – like the twelve signs of the Zodiac, the twelve Disciples, the twelve Tectonic plates, or the twelve tribes of Israel. These Angels hold a unique position in the history of Planet Earth, for they over-shine a council of twelve Ascended Masters, who for time immemorial, have been known as the Great White Brotherhood. This communion is referred to as the twelve Melchizedek (Priest Kings in Hebrew), who in celestial capacity carry the keys to a superior life formula for we human beings. The Melchizedek and Malachim represent the purest virtues of Love, Grace, Compassion, Empathy, Truth, Faith, Wisdom, Mercy, Humility, Justice, Joy and Loyalty

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