Tarot: Nurture Your Soul’s Potential

Tarot Wisdom: Simple Steps to Nurture Your Soul’s Potential
by Karen Hollis
The gardens are now yielding the fruits of the gardener’s toil. Along walkways and hedgerows, blossoms burst forth from fragile buds, dazzling us with their showy beauty. If the gardener has done her job well, with care and attention, then from tiny bulbs and seeds has emerged a mighty harvest of sunflowers, corn, assorted greens and cruciferous vegetables. And so it is also for us, human beings: If we want to blossom into our soul’s potential, then we must tend to our own inner garden.
Tarot has much to offer us in an examination of what it means to tend to the soul with the intention of expressing its full potential. With the intention of global consciousness raising in mind, I inquired of the tarot: “How does one come to know and express their soul’s potential here on Earth? Is it truly possible?”
The answer came swiftly as the first of my three-card draw, XII The Hanged Man fell from the deck onto my table. What a curious card to have turned first in answer to such a complex question. I had always viewed the major arcana card of The Hanged Man as a very passive card, but it does make sense that to remain still would be the first step in tending the inner garden. For gardeners and farmers know that they must let a field lie fallow for a season before re-planting, so that the soil can regain its nutrients from the Mother Earth. In this case, the tarot was expressing similar wisdom: “Be still and listen.”
The Hanged Man hangs by his foot and not his neck. His legs are in a figure four which in numerology means stability. Around his head, we see light emanating or perhaps it is enlightenment. More importantly, we see greenery hanging down indicating that even when we are still there is growth around and perhaps within us that can affect the soul and the expression of potential. The Hanged Man asks all of us to examine our conscience and to reflect on how we are or are not sowing fertile ground for the soul’s growth and expression:
~ When have you allowed yourself the time to consider what your soul needs in order to feel fulfilled?
~ Where in your schedule can you carve time to consider what you would like to harvest in your life?
Reflection, setting intentions and making the time to do both are one step. A second card drawn from the deck shows us what else we might due to tend our inner garden. The card drawn is The High Priestess.
The High Priestess is often symbolic of seeking knowledge. She sits with a scroll in her lap, half hidden by her cloak. Perhaps therein lies a secret knowledge that she waits to reveal to herself and others at just the right moment. We also see the symbol of the triple goddess and full moon upon her brow. Here, it symbolizes reaching one’s emotional potential. The card has the promise of fruitfulness as depicted by the pomegranates and the palms in the background. The High Priestess is also symbolic of planning and learning, but not necessarily of taking action. It reminds me that in the Winter months, when I am aching to see the first signs of Spring, I must plan my garden on paper until the time is right for planting. The High Priestess compels us to look inward and to ask of ourselves what resources do we have or do we need in order to become fertilized with wisdom so that we may blossom into the soul’s potential:
~ What do you need to learn in order to grow?
~ What important decisions are pending in my life, right now? Is it time for creating a plan for learning and navigating change? What might be steps in that plan?
A third card emerged in my three-card draw from the Tarot Deck: VII The Chariot. Finally, after much consideration, planning and acquiring knowledge and wisdom, the tarot indicated taking action.
The yin-yang symbol on the chariot resembles a plowing of the garden or fields to see the balance in the tarot. The stars that are above the charioteer’s head indicate that he is now fully aware that he must be engaged on two levels, the earth plane and the spiritual Plane, if he is to express his full potential.
~ How can you achieve your earthly goals while remaining spiritually balanced, so that you may reap a wonderful harvest in the Afterlife?
~ How will you know whether you are making progress in reaching your potential? What will serve as your guide or validation that you are truly expressing your soul’s unique potential? What will indicate that your actions or choices are not aligned with your soul’s potential?
It is said of the tarot, when an inquiry is brought with an open heart, the oracle offers guidance with compassion and wisdom. In this inquiry, made with an open heart on behalf of readers who find their way to OM Times, the tarot had offered three simple steps to nurture the garden of the soul: First, through The Hanged Man – the need for inner stillness, reflection and strength of purpose. Second, through The High Priestess – the need for seeking inner knowledge, for being emotionally grounded and for planning. Lastly, through The Chariot – the need for balanced action as we tend to our spiritual gardens and give birth to the full expression of the soul’s potential.
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About the Author
For more than 30 years, Psychic Medium Karen Hollis has helped people acquire wisdom from Spirit and understand how karmic patterns manifest in their life choices. Karen has been featured on Discovery Channel: A Haunting, and the TV show, Paranormal Survivor. As the lead psychic medium investigator with Ghosts of New England Research Society, Karen is the bridge between evidence and explanation.

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