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Ultimate Teachings

Ultimate Teachings


Program Spotlight – Ultimate Teachings

Offered by Dr. Pillai

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I thought my teaching career was over after four decades, then a miracle happened.

I realized that I have just started to understand the secrets of Life, Health, Wealth, and Success. This new understanding is what I call my Ultimate Teachings.

The goal is to make you a super-achiever.

Super achievers don’t doubt. Where others doubt, the super achiever believes. When others are walking, the super achievers run. When others quit, super achievers persevere.

My Ultimate Teachings cover four major areas.

See Also
Transform Your World OMTimes

  1. Master the NOW. The NOW is not thought. It is not present, past, or future. It is wordless, concept-free, intuitive awareness. Within the brain, the NOW is localized in the Midbrain and Pineal Gland. Activating these areas of the brain through mantras and color combinations can result in an experience of the NOW.
  2. Overcome Negative Forces. Believe it or not, negative forces exist and they are just like poison. Karma, Evil, Satan… whatever you call them, they are representations of these forces, manifesting as psychological, physical, and metaphysical problems. To combat them, you need a combined effort of body, mind, and soul.
  3. Master Faith. If you have faith, you can move mountains. Faith can be cultivated through the use of Holy Breath or Pineal Breathing. The Pineal is the miracle gland. Sound and light frequencies can jumpstart the pineal and help you develop faith.
  4. Master Soul Consciousness. Your soul is the Light Body. They physical body is an illusion that everyone forsakes during death. The Light Body of the soul is the source for delimitation, freedom, and instantaneous manifestation.

With these Ultimate Teachings, opportunities will never slip through your fingers.

I invite you to join me for a live event on August 15th where I will be sharing simple and practical techniques to experience my Ultimate Teachings.

To reserve your spot, click the image above or visit Ultimate Teachings!

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