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Virgo – The Editor of Life

Virgo – The Editor of Life


by Debbie Peluso


Virgo…. Oh, efficient, detail-oriented, analytical, and organized Virgo. How desperately we need you to “clean up the mess” we make and to edit the noise of life. Your dedication and service for the well-being of all is the beauty of your energy!

Virgo comes to us with perfect timing. She is, after all, the sign of perfection! As we begin to move from late summer into fall, we find ourselves beginning to pay attention to where we need to edit our lives in order to transition into the energy of autumn, slowly letting go of all the frolicking of summer, the ice cream cones, the barbecues, the lazy days on the beach and move back into work and service. We become more conscious of our health by watching our diets, exercising, organizing a plan for ourselves to detoxify. We pay attention to the details of our lives setting the boundaries necessary to more efficiently prepare for the winter ahead. We direct our thoughts and actions towards our well-being (physically, emotionally, and spiritually). Virgo gives us an understanding as to what it means to say NO to those people and events that cross our boundaries and interfere with our goals. It is saying NO in order to say YES. As Gahl Sasson so eloquently puts it: “Say NO to sweets to say YES to health.” Virgo in our natal charts shows us where we need to pay more attention to detail in our lives.

Virgo is the editor of the zodiac. In this World that we live in with so much sensory overload via the media, internet, social media, we may find that our own belief systems are being manipulated by all the accusations, drama and sensationalism that we see and hear on a daily basis. “This one is right…no, that one is right. He is lying…no, he is lying!” The finger-pointing that continues to cause divisiveness among the common folk by the puppeteers manipulating the show who use their authority to benefit their own egos for power and control is enough to drive one to insanity!! The same story has existed for thousands of years. It will not change. But when the Sun visits Virgo’s neighborhood, it gives us the opportunity to stop and call upon our own analytical thinking and reasoning to organize and edit our thoughts in order to decide for ourselves what we perceive to be our truth. This is what Virgo teaches us.

This is a humble energy that works and edits from “behind the scenes,” and it does so by being dedicated to work and service. It is in service that we learn humility. We come to realize that there is a far greater power within us than just our own frail egos. Virgo shows us that life is about giving and receiving, and there is no better healing of our mind, body, and soul than knowing we are giving to another (Virgo rules over our health and well-being). To receive we must give or all that contained energy can turn inward making us self-centered and demanding. We see this even in nature. A tree receives its energy from the sunlight and in turn humbly provides oxygen so that we and many other forms of life may live.

Greatness is achieved through humility. Mother Teresa, a most blessed Virgo, gave all of her dedication to help those in need, but service surrounds us and is happening every moment of every day. We see it in our pets. The service they provide to us is that of companionship and loyalty, yet look at the humility they possess. They will roll onto their backs and surrender themselves with unconditional love and forever be grateful for all we do for them! What a perfect manifestation of the art of giving/receiving unconditional love! Service animals are trained to be dedicated to the well-being of their owners. Horses, camels engage in hard work in order to fulfill their duty to us. And let’s not forget the ultimate service of the military world-wide. Their dedication and duty goes above and beyond what any of us are called upon in our lives, and they do so with humility. They sacrifice their own well-being and even their lives for the benefit of others.

Looking at all the signs preceding Virgo, Aries plants the seed of intention and initiates the action. Taurus gives it value, practicality. Gemini communicates it and listens for whatever message is needed. Cancer nourishes and loves the seed, gives it compassion. Leo is the will to make the dream come true. Virgo organizes a plan, analyzes it, and edits the fantasy from reality to make it happen. It is the Swiffer-mop to clean up all the dirt. Virgo perfects our lives by editing what is not needed.

As we approach Labor Day, a day of honoring our dedication to work and service, it’s a good time to identify where in our lives we receive and where we do or could give back. It’s a time to examine where we need to detoxify for better health, physically, emotionally and spiritually. The body is the vessel we use to manifest our highest potential, purpose, and service to others and we do so with humility expecting nothing in return. Where do we excel? Where do we set boundaries? Where do we say NO for the better good? Are we being of service to ourselves?

See Also

In yoga, engage in asanas that detoxify the body such as forward bends and twists concentrating on the release of toxins as the body exhales. In resting poses, such as pigeon or child’s pose, surrender with humility to the greatness of Divinity. Surrendering opens the heart to receive and to give. That is, after all, the purpose of life!


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About the Author

Debbie Peluso obtained her Bachelor’s degree from the University of Metaphysics in association with the University of Sedona in Arizona. She is a certified practitioner in meditation, metaphysical/spiritual counseling, and is a working astrologer and co-owner of a yoga studio in the Washington, D.C. area. Find out more about Debbie at: and

View Comments (2)
  • Great! Hopefully, you can start your editing by using less explicit images. Although the lady is not nude, it is still provoking. Speaking of media sensationlism. I actually ask this not for myself, but for men, women, and children I do “energy work” with. And it came to my attention because these seemingly ordinary images to us, actually trigger anxiety/panic attacks and breakdowns due to unhealed or suppressed memories caused by their witnessing/experiencing of abuse, conflict, war, violence, crimes. Interestingly, your website and article is filled with explicit images, some of which depict men and women in degrading poses: someone bent kissing a motor bike wheel with the caption “Embarrassed for Them.” Interestingly, too, you call yourselves the OMTimes……. hope you can work on your sensationalism, spring cleaning, and editing soon enough for autumn. <3 Namaste <3

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