Ascension and the Fifth Dimension

How Does Ascension Relate to the Fifth Dimension?
There is a lot of discussion regarding ascension, fifth dimension, and the like. According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, Ascension is the Christian holiday that celebrates Jesus Christ’s journey to heaven after his death. In layman language, ascension “is the act or process of moving or rising up, especially to a higher or more powerful position.” There is a dearth of spiritual jargon being used to explain the fifth dimension, so what is it exactly? The fifth dimension is a frequency plane, which is comprised of pure love, cosmic consciousness, and a true multi-dimensional reality.
Now the question that arises is: Are these dimensions existing within our consciousness or are these dimensions outside of us? The fifth dimension is cosmic consciousness where we access multi-dimensions. This usually happens when we are stretching ourselves to delta levels of consciousness during meditation. From the Asian spiritual perspective, the entire universe lies ‘within’ – ‘Aham brahmasmi,’ or “I am the Universe.”
What exactly is dimensional reality? Let’s examine three different perspectives and the information behind them:
Dolores Cannon
Dolores Cannon was a renowned hypnotherapist and celebrated author of many metaphysical, mind-bending books. She conveys in her books that we will have two Earths, with one vibrating at a lower frequency due to negativity and stuck karmas. The other Earth, or New Earth, is vibrating at a higher frequency, where only positive energies will reside.
The truth is that Earth is definitely undergoing tremendous energy shifts and new frequencies are seeping in. Whether our consciousness is shifting or not is a very individual experience. People who are healers or are spiritually inclined will feel the vibrational shifts. For others, it may seem just like any other day! One has to really wait and watch in regards to how the consciousness shift leads to two Earths.
Michio Kaku
Michio Kaku is a theoretical physicist, bestselling author, acclaimed public speaker, and renowned futurist. Michio Kaku proposes that the next century Earth is tech earth, similar to what is portrayed in the movie, The Matrix, coming alive. In his upcoming movie, The Fantastic Four, the fiction wizard suavely proposes alternate dimensions, worm holes, psi powers, and the like. He is conceptualizing the spiritual phenomenon and scientifically proving the existence of multiple dimensions. This is something only the physicists or logical thinkers would fathom.
Himalayan Masters
According to the esoteric wisdom of the East, sri vidya is the highest tantric meditation to access multiple dimensions. It is akin to visiting the mini-universe outside in. A sri vidya sadhak would access the inside world through proper breathing techniques and kundalini activation. Once the sadhak reaches the turiya state, or the cosmic consciousness state, the universe spins around him/her. As rightly stated by the yogis, ‘Aham brahmasmi,’ or “I am the Universe.”
Is this concept science, fantasy, or spirituality? Well, the answer to the above lies somewhere midway. Every human being has a level of thinking and a belief system. Some people are more logical-minded with a scientific explanation. Then there are those who are spiritual-minded, so the explanation is more ineffable. Exactly what is the fifth dimensional reality and how can one experience it?
Let’s first understand the third and fourth dimensions before exploring the fifth dimension!
When we look at a piece of paper from its side, it becomes solid, impermeable, and looks like a line. When the paper is flipped onto its writing surface, we see it as a large area, but have no concept beyond length and width.
Third Dimension
The third dimension is one that gives the height to the length and width. It is the final step needed to create an area that can have mass (this doesn’t mean it will have mass, only that it can).
We take for granted the third dimension as something that just is. We came to the Earth with the full perception needed to have the first three dimensions activated and open. The third dimension is dense and vibrates slower. The slower the vibration, the more our thoughts perceive this a solid structure. For example, light is a frequency that vibrates very fast; it carries no structure, yet it exists.
When we bring the third dimension into play, we conceptualize the fullness of all three. In numerology, the 2 is duality: humanity vs. divine. Three is a catalyst number and tells us that we would not be, if not for the third dimension.
Fourth Dimension
It may be challenging to understand the quantum shift that takes place with the fourth dimension. Consider it as a place to be and to transfer energy. It anchors all the energies on the planet and sets the conditions for the existence of man. The fourth dimension is a bridge to access higher planes.
Very simply, the fourth dimension is creating an environment for two-way communications with the high frequencies of light. It also allows communication with Earth, Spirit, and any other being of light, like the Ascended Masters.
Ascended Masters are in the third dimension, yet vibrate at a higher dimension, so we cannot see them. We can only feel them. Seeing is a third-dimensional sensory organ.
Those who say they are seeing higher dimensions are doing so through a limited scope of the eyes, the pineal gland, and the chakra system. The chakra system, which extends out over 50 feet and has 144 levels to it, takes frequencies that are of a higher dimension and shifts them down in frequency, so we can perceive them through the pineal and, if the DNA has been raised enough, the eyes.
Therefore, the fourth dimension is the bridge to the higher dimensions. This bridge allows us the bi-directional flow of energy from the fifth dimension through 12th dimension. In numerology, the 4 is Mother Earth energy, the physical world, and things based in structure.
Fifth Dimension
The fifth dimension completely changes the attributes of Earth and humanity. When these are fully incorporated, we feel we are a part of the cosmos and then the lessons of 3-D fail to exist. We become master manifesters. With the mastery of self in the fifth dimension, comes the wisdom and knowledge to apply laws of manifestation. We shift to being in service, like the Pleiadians had done a hundred thousand years ago. Time is irrelevant in the fifth dimension, and we access pure light, unconditional love, and presence.
In reality, ascension is up-gradation from solid form, from the third dimension to the light state, or fifth dimension. The more spiritual a person is, the more s/he is able to activate the higher states within and access higher dimensions from a third-dimensional platform. Therefore, it is not that we are moving to a different planet, it is just a shift in consciousness, and it is very much a shift within! As the earth energy is vibrating at a higher frequency, more people are opening up to their soul reality and the realization that they are light beings adorning a human body. It is up to us to ascend to this new fifth dimension consciousness!
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About the Author
Sunanda Sharma is a professional tarot card reader, psychic, author, and life coach. A published author, she has written two books, titled, Inspiration from the Spirit Volume 1 and Inspiration from the Spirit Volume II, which are available on and

Sunanda Sharma is a professional Tarot Card Reader, Psychic, Author and Life Coach from India. She is a member of Best American Psychics Team 2013, Member of Certified Psychic Society 2013 and Winner Tarot Super Achievers Award 2012 in India.