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Colleen Mauro: Spiritual Telepathy

Colleen Mauro: Spiritual Telepathy

OMTimes: How do we make contact with the soul?

Colleen Mauro: We contact the soul through the daily practice of creative meditation. Many meditation practices focus only on quieting the mind. In this type of meditation, we go a step further and actively train our minds to transmit information from the soul to the brain. The information has to reach the brain to become part of our conscious awareness.

In the same way that our homes are wired for telephone and internet connection, creative meditation allows us to create the threads and cables that will link us to the higher worlds. We create these cables by projecting our attention upward to the soul, day after day. As we do this, we anchor small threads of energy that will eventually, thread by thread, form a symbolic bridge between the mind, the brain and the soul. This bridge is called the Rainbow Bridge or the Bridge of Light in the Wisdom teachings. It is called the Antahkarana in the Hindu texts and the “strait” or “narrow” gate in the New Testament.

It’s important to note that we don’t do this work alone. When we focus our attention upward, the soul turns its attention downward. The Bridge is built through the united effort of both the soul and the human personality. In The New Testament, it is said that we take “heaven by storm.” It is our determination, our day-to-day knocking, that will eventually open the doors to the higher worlds. As we approach the soul, we increasingly come under the influence of its higher vibration, and our own vibratory rate starts to speed up. When the vibratory rate of our mind and brain matches that of the soul, it becomes possible to enter the higher worlds at will.

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Our repeated contact with the higher worlds will, in the end, produce a new type of human: the soul-aligned human being. We become pioneers as we lead the way to the next stage of human development.

OMTimes: Can you say more about the actual practice of creative meditation?

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