Divine Downloads: Clear the Noise
Divine Downloads: Clear the Noise and Increase Self-Trust
Intuitive ability is within all of us. We each have a unique way of receiving messages, and many individuals have a particular type of information that is most prevalent. Some have a talent for getting information about business topics, others for relationships, and still others get Divine Downloads about their children or relatives. For me, Divine Downloads come through regarding blocks to progress for my clients. There are those who feel that they have no intuitive ability whatsoever.
Whether you want to increase the frequency and quality of your Divine Downloads or whether you feel you do not have any ability whatsoever, these tips will help you use your natural gifts, your Inner Magick, to enhance the ability to receive Divine Downloads in your own unique way.
The Problem
What inhibits your ability is twofold: noise and lack of trust. The noise can be internal or external. On the outside, the television or radio is always on, traffic noises, people, etc. On the inside, it is the noise of our own self-talk that gets in the way. The mind racing, analyzing, criticizing the self or others. Controlling the noise is essential to hearing the messages that are waiting to come through.
Now the trust factor; the ability to confidently act on the information. How many times have you gotten a gut feeling that you chose to ignore, only to find out that if you had listened to yourself things would have gone much better? Trust comes with validation, so use all of those times when the little voice was correct and practice following its guidance going forward. The more times you can validate the accuracy of the message, the more you will trust the Divine Downloads going forward.
The Fix
For external noise, turn off the sounds you have control over and minimize your exposure to the sounds coming from elsewhere. Close your windows, go to a quiet part of your home or go out in nature to experience quiet. When the external noise is minimized, the internal noise is emphasized.
You will be able to hear the continuous dialogue you have with yourself. Once you are able to hear it, stop it in its tracks by focusing on each footstep if you are out for a walk, by attending to the flicker of a candle flame or even by wearing a rubber band around your wrist and snapping it to interrupt the flow of automatic talk. For those who meditate, you can go into that state as well. You can also dump all negativity into the ground (outside, never in the house) and then move ten feet from where you dumped it to refill with fresh, bright Earth energy. [The full process appears in my book The True Nature of Energy: Transforming Anxiety into Tranquility].
The ideal condition is to enable the flow of Divine Downloads on a regular basis and not only when you are in a meditative state or in complete silence. Since you have to start somewhere, clearing the noise is the first step. This will open you to hearing a different type of voice, the voice of the Higher Self, the voice of the Divine. Note the difference in how it feels. Generally, it is a knowing that comes easily and feels natural as it creates calm certainty. This as opposed to a thought that can increase anxiety and cause doubt, fear and worry.
In most cases, the message comes through quietly and without fanfare. It glides into consciousness. The Divine Downloads can be the result of a direct question you have asked or even information about something you do not realize you need to know. It could come in the middle of a conversation with information you need to know about that person. It could come when you are packing for a trip to alert you to something you may have forgotten to bring. It can be a simple yes or no to your direct question. The main thing to recognize is that it will feel different than a regular thought. It is important to differentiate between the two.
Notice Patterns
Now that you are able to listen to the Divine Downloads, notice patterns as to what type of information comes through and when. Maybe it happens most frequently when you are alone, when you are driving or when you are in a natural environment. Keep a notebook at the ready to jot down when, where, and what comes through. Have a column to take note of any validation as to the accuracy of the message. Doing this will help you understand your personal patterns and the ways in which you are most likely to receive messages.
Part of Your Nature
Your sixth sense is just as natural as are your other five senses of hearing, seeing, tasting, touching and smelling. At the same time, the message may come through one of the other five senses. For example, some people hear the message as a whisper in their ear, others may see a scene play out in their mind’s eye. Accept this and remove the fear associated with it. If you are worried that you will see something traumatic, simply ask the Universe to only show you things that are helpful. Stop telling yourself that you do not have this ability; it creates doubt that then blocks the messages. You will be astounded by your ability to receive Divine Downloads on a regular basis in a way that comes just as naturally as all of your other experiences.
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About the Author
Diane Wing, M.A. is the founder of Wing Academy of Unfoldment, host of Wing Academy Radio, author of five books, and an experienced guide for those ready to see things differently. When it comes to getting unstuck and feeling great about life, her 9-word philosophy is: Let go. Be grateful. Stay open. See the magick. Find out more at www.WingAcademy.com
Author, teacher, personal transformation guide, and intuitive consultant Diane Wing, M.A. enjoys exploring the mysteries of life and the way that people experience themselves and the world around them. Wing's books create a transformational experience for the reader while incorporating a bit of the unexpected.