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Do You Know Your Medium Type?

Do You Know Your Medium Type?


Everyone has the innate intuitive ability to communicate with those on the Other Side. Although it may seem like it is the special gift of a select few, we all interact as a medium type and connect with the Spirit realm. For the most part we are unaware when our loved ones on the Other Side are present.

Even when they attempt to get our attention, we do not always recognize their efforts. For instance, many of the thoughts they silently direct to us, we believe to be our own. We often feel the warm and comforting feelings of love they send our way without realizing that they are coming to us from the beyond. We may momentarily be aware that the flashing kitchen light is a message from a loved one and then just as quickly dismiss it as an electrical issue. When we hear a familiar and favorite song on the radio, we seldom consider that this is a message from a loved one on the Other Side. Not only do our loved ones come close to say hello, share a bit of advice and love us, they also come close to learn from us. Your challenges and your ability to overcome adversity, heal and grow are an inspiration for them. Let us explore to see what medium type might apply to you:


The Basic Four Medium Types

From a young age, some people have been able to consciously connect and communicate with the Spirit realm. Yet, with a little devotion and practice, everyone can develop their innate intuitive ability to communicate with those on the Other Side.

There are four basic ways that we all naturally communicate with those on the Other Side, even when we are not aware that we are doing so. We may receive and send messages through our thoughts and mental energy or feel a loved ones presence through our emotions and heart center. Physical sensations and tangible phenomena may alert you that a loved one on the Other Side is present or you may see a loved one as a sparkle of light or communicate with them through your dreams.

Although you most likely have one medium type that is the most predominant, you likely have experienced the distinctive communication phenomena of each type. Here is a little more about the different medium types.


Emotional Medium Type

Emotional mediums will often unknowingly absorb the emotional energy of those of the Other Side. This medium type will be able to feel their love, warmth and comfort better than the other types. Have you ever felt a wave of deep and loving emotions, but were confused as to the source? Are you able to feel the power of a higher love and let go of the past pain, anger or resentment that you felt for someone who is now on the Other Side? Have you ever had a vivid and spontaneous memory of a loved one that invoked a strong emotional reaction? You could almost feel their warmth and humor as if they were right beside you. These are some of the common ways that emotional intuitives naturally, but unknowingly, connect with their loved ones who have passed over.

Emotional mediums are compassionate, desire to help others and are attuned to the higher states of divine love. Natural empaths, an emotional intuitive can feel others emotions so intensely they believe them to be their own. Not only does this medium type intuitively tune into the emotions of those in the physical dimension, they also tune into the emotional energy of the divine celestial realms.


Mental Medium Type

Mental mediums often unknowingly carry on conversations with their loved ones in Spirit. This may happen while driving the car or engaged in an activity like running or mowing the lawn. Because receiving the thoughts of others comes so easily to a mental intuitive medium type, they do not always recognize when they are communicating with the Other Side. Once mental mediums realize that the conversations that they are engaging in are more than simple mind chatter, their medium ability rapidly develops. They then begin to be able to distinguish their thought processes from the thoughts of their visitors from the Other Side.

Claircognizance is the psychic skill of clear knowing. It is the instantaneous knowing of information and knowledge without knowing how you know it. Mental intuitive medium types often communicate with those on the Other Side in this way. They may know their loved ones thoughts and opinions about certain topics or subjects and other little known facts about them without a clear awareness of how they came to this information.


Spiritual Medium Type

A spiritual medium may visually see their loved ones on the Other Side or communicate with them in their dreams or day dreams. Spiritual medium type persons receive intuitive impulses in a more elusive way than the other types so their connections may feel imaginary and dreamy. A spiritual medium is likely to have had encounters with ghosts, spirit guides, and divine beings. Having a depth of spiritual wisdom, spiritual mediums are often able to intuit their life lessons and spiritual purpose. They often can also intuit the spiritual purpose and life lessons of others.

Clairvoyance is clear inner sight. It is the ability to see energy information, symbolically and figuratively or more realistically. Spiritual medium types tend to be especially adept at clairvoyance. They can often see loved ones on the Other Side, either with inner sight or as translucent or three dimensional figures in the physical realm.


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Physical Medium Type

A physical medium often experiences interactions with their loved ones through gut feelings or physical sensations. Have you ever had the hairs on your arms stand up while thinking of a loved one on the Other Side? Maybe you have had the gut feeling that a loved one who has passed over is present. You might be able to sense their presence standing next to you or feel the sensation of their hand on your shoulder or you may smell the scent of their favorite perfume or cigar. These are common ways that physical mediums connect with those on the Other Side.

Physical mediums also intuit the presence of their loved ones through tangible interactions. Those on the others side like to do things like blink lights and sound alarm clocks, drop coins on our path or influence a bird to tap on our window. Although all of the medium types experience these kinds of messages from the beyond, physical mediums often experience more of this kind of physical phenomena.

Psychometry is the ability to hold an object or look at a photo of another and intuit energy information from it. Since physical mediums are more connected to the denser physical vibrations, they tend to be more adept at this psychic skill than other types. The information that the physical medium type intuits in this way may come to them as a gut knowing, a sense of their loved one’s presence or through inner sight or hearing.

You may have experienced a few or many of these kind of interactions with those on the Other Side. As you become more aware of how you are already naturally connecting, you will be able to develop medium abilities more quickly and easily.

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About the Author

Sherrie Dillard (Durham, NC) has been a professional psychic, medium, and therapist for over twenty years. She has taught intuition development at Duke University Continuing Studies, and has led workshops and classes on spiritual development and spiritual healing nationally and internationally.

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