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Ask Questions from Internal Guidance

Ask Questions from Internal Guidance


Ask Great Questions from Your Internal Guidance

by Michelle Cohen

So, you have created a wonderful connection with a higher power using the divination tools that serve you best. Now What? The ASK becomes of great consequence at this stage of the game.

Learning to ask smart questions to your internal guidance and how to phrase them in ways where you can get significantly helpful responses is the indication of mastery. With any divination tools you may use, it’s all about the asking.

Keep in mind that anything you ask internal guidance , you will get an answer for, whether it is as simple as what type of shampoo works best for your hair type to something as complex as what is the meaning of life on this planet. Be ready, willing and able to receive what you put out there.

The way I understand the laws of the universe, you will only get an answer to questions you actually ask. If you don’t ask something, no one will offer you anything. It needs to be initiated from you. Not only that, but the more specific your question or better it is asked, the more specific an answer you will get back.

Asking for a clear message from your internal guidance that you can understand without too much interpretation is really helpful. Remember, you may not know exactly what to start with if you are confused or if what you are dealing with is complicated. So, just initiate the conversation, and you may find more clarity as you go along.


Some really great questions for your internal guidance to start you off can be:

What do I need to know about this?

What is going on? 

What guidance can you offer at this time?

What’s the next right step to take in my life?

Is this the right time to take action on this situation?

If something is going on that you would like to have more control over, you can ask the questions, “What could I have done and what can I do in the future to prevent this situation from happening?” If you are curious about the lesson of what you are in the middle of, you can literally ask, “What am I learning?”

More specific questions for internal guidance can include:

How can I create more _____?

What could I do to attract more _____ into my life? 

What should I know about ______? 

What’s the best course of action regarding _____? 

What could I do to improve my relationship with _____?

Here is something else to keep in mind. Once you start getting the hang of this, you can go into what I call “command and demand” mode. You can claim what you want in a very authoritative way that I think many people fear is inappropriate. People assume you need to be very meek before asking anything or are quite shy to even broach a question having to do with themselves. While I completely agree that it is rather humbling to have the honor and the ability to be able to ask questions from a higher power, it doesn’t mean you can’t be assertive about what you are going for. As long as you always remain grateful for the opportunity, it is completely fine and even applauded to be quite clear and commanding about what you need.

See Also

Beyond Internal Guidance Questions – Assertive yet powerful statements to make:

Okay, higher power, if you want me to do/have/be this following thing, you’re going to have to show me.

I expect a sign within the next 24 hours.

This is not working for me. Find me someone who can give me sturdier information immediately.

These are all firm and entitled questions for internal guidance, which you have every right to make. Some people might feel uncomfortable demanding something from this kind of source, but usually the response is quick and in many ways more potent when you show your fullest range of power and leadership over your domain.

Do note that this is more about feeling fully powerful enough to call in what you are truly seeking. If you start making demands because you are frustrated, angry or feeling triggered, that isn’t what we are discussing here at all. In fact, that will usually backfire because the response is to the feeling tone instead of the nugget of truth hidden under the storm of emotions. The best leader is one who is calm and sure of themselves in the sense that they know what they are seeking and are looking forward to the best of the best providing for them.

With sincerity and gratitude, you can be a bit more commanding as you attain the practice of great question asking. Questions ensure that you and your internal guidance system are working together beautifully.

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About the Author

Michelle Cohen and her projects have been featured on CNN, GMA, MTV, NPR and in People Magazine, Entertainment Weekly and the Washington Post. She has given thousands of private intuitive guidance sessions, exponentially changing the way her clients perceive themselves in positive and permanent ways. Her online program, The Intuition Tool Kit, is available at:

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