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Learn the Power of Prayer

Learn the Power of Prayer


Where Does the Power of Prayer Originate?

The 12 Archangels of the Central Sun co-designed, with God (the Creator), Schoolroom Earth, the amazing planet on which we have the ongoing opportunity to learn how to change our lives for the better by transforming our inner selves. The mission of the 12 Archangels is to support us as we rediscover that we are powerful Children of God. We are continuously co-creating our experiences with our OverSoul (higher self) by attracting into our lives what we need to learn. Our Souls and God within us, anchor the energy of our OverSoul here on Earth. Together, the OverSoul and Soul work as one to support us in learning the power of prayer: how to ask and to receive from Source.

According to the 12 Archangels, one of the most transformative lessons that we are here to learn is the value of working with the power of prayer. By focusing our minds on asking God for what we believe we need, we connect ego to heart and shift the vibration of our consciousness closer to the vibration of Divine Love. Even if we have difficulty believing that our prayers will be answered, the simple act of surrendering a request to the Divine helps us to experience positive and lasting change in all areas of daily life.


Prayer and Intention: How Does it Happen?

Why and how does this happen? Focused positive intentions, utilizing the power of prayer, help us to participate in Heaven’s vibration of unconditional love. When our prayers are answered, Divine love is made tangible on the material plane and demonstrates to our doubting egos that our Creator (God, Source, the Universe) cares about us.

When it comes to the power of prayer, most of us don’t realize that it is our higher self, our personal connection to Source, that actually places the prayer or intention in our minds in the first place. Our higher self is our Divine Feminine (clear intuition), Divine Masculine (clear intention) and Divine Child (heart centered desire), and directs us in moving from experiences of suffering and lack, to experiences of joy and abundance. The very act of sending a prayer to God or putting out an intention to the Universe helps us to grow closer to our Creator. Communicating with God through the power of prayer is continuously working to move our minds out of anxiety and into a state of trust.

What works to nudge us into the power of prayer?

The higher self, through the Soul, attracts an experience into our reality where we need help, such as a problem or crisis that our ego/mind cannot solve. The crisis may remind us of something in our childhoods or may even be something left unresolved from a past life. Challenges that are beyond our control to understand can serve to inspire us to ask for help from our unseen helpers in Heaven. When we allow ourselves to be assisted, we step back into oneness with the Universe and from here, all things become possible!

Our higher self will also inspire us to long for what is missing in our lives. We may discover that we desire a romantic partner, new job, prosperity, improved health condition, or even to arrive at our destination on time. All needs are significant in the eyes of our Creator and worthy of fulfillment with what we have requested or with something that is even better for the greater good for all.

Active prayer, the act of asking to receive what we want, works to develop a greater trust in the miraculous power of Divine Love. When we experience that our needs are fulfilled in completely unexpected ways, our trust in God grows. As our trust grows, we will feel our anxiety lessen and our self-esteem rise to embrace the truth that we are not abandoned wounded children—we are Divine beings, God’s deserving children.


What happens after we release our prayer to the Universe?

Once we have said our prayer, our higher self, Guides and Angels get to work to line up the manifestation of what we have asked for on the material plane.

From the perspective of the 12 Archangels, answering prayer requests is a beautiful and magnificent orchestration of thousands of conscious and subconscious thoughts and feelings both within us and any other human being involved in the experience. This orchestration and healing is why it can take time and patience for our prayers to be answered. What helps the most is our full cooperation to stay aware of any fear of receiving we feel in our bodies.

By breathing through any discomfort, we help the wounded child to shift to a more loving and secure vibration. This security on a subconscious level added with the willingness to surrender what we want to God on a conscious level, helps God to deliver what we need in God’s time and in God’s way.

The more we ask, the more we can receive. The more we allow ourselves to receive, the more we will experience Heaven’s abundance in our daily lives. As we allow ourselves to receive Heaven’s abundance through the power of prayer, the more we have to share with others and so the joy of unity with our Creator continues to expand for the greatest good for all.


The 12 Archangels’ Steps to Activating the Power of Prayer

1) Ask, “What is missing from my life that would bring me greater joy and allow me to serve in a happier and more balanced way?”

Or, “What crisis or problem do I need resolved in order to follow my heart and live a more heavenly life here on Earth?”

2) Listen for the answer as it comes from your higher self through your intuition.

3) Put your prayer, intention or desire out to God, the Creator, the Universe and Source.

See Also

4) Say, “thank you God, Creator, Universe and Source for fulfilling my request with what I have requested or something even better.”

5) Ask your Guardian Angels and the 12 Archangels to reveal to you any resistance that you may have to receiving. You may feel this as a contraction in your body or have thoughts of doubt and unworthiness pass through your mind.

6) Transform the resistance by taking deep breaths and saying, “I surrender.” Focus your mind on your service, vocation or creativity. Ask to be filled with patience and trust.

7) Celebrate and give thanks when your prayer has been answered!

As we remember to ask our Creator to fill us with unconditional love and acceptance for our humanity, respect for our divinity, and trust in our ability to receive, we experience the amazing power of prayer more consistently and with deeper gratitude.

The 12 Archangels say to us, “keep those prayers flowing between yourself and God and let go of the timing and the outcome. Focus on the service of love and your power of prayer, and watch as your life changes in far greater ways that you ever imagined!”

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