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Planets, Chakras, and Angels

Planets, Chakras, and Angels


Planets, chakras and angels may seem to have an odd pairing, yet they have a very strong influence on an energetic level. Chakras are the energy centers in our body. The word chakra means wheel.

We have seven main energy centers, which are responsible for keeping our spiritual, physical and mental energies balanced. There are planets that directly influence the energy of these seven main chakras in the body. Further, one can call upon the Archangels to assuage this chakra planetary dissonance.

Let’s examine the connection between the planets, associated chakras and their respective angelic influence. In addition, tips to assist you with balancing your chakras have been included.


1. The First Chakra – Mooladhar chakras

Planet affected: Saturn

Significant day: Saturday

Planetary affect: Bones, teeth, ears, nerves, thin, aging, chronic illness, death

Angelic influence: Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael shines a globe of red energy at the first chakra, which is located at the base of the spine. This is the place where one’s sense of stability and security is stored. If this chakra is open and balanced, then it implies that energy is flowing freely regarding these issues.

A blocked first chakra reveals potential fears about security, depression, financial worry, desperation. Visualize Archangel Michael’s light filling the Mooladhar chakra and bringing you a great sense of your own strength and eternal stability.

Drink lots of fresh water and go vegan to balance the first chakra. Any physical exercise will assist in opening of this chakra.


2. The Second Chakra – Swadhishtan chakra

Planet affected: Venus

Significant day: Friday

Planetary affect: Attractiveness, sex organs, partnership, marriage

Angelic influence: Archangel Ariel

Archangel Ariel brings a bright orange energy to the second chakra, promoting creativity and greater comfort with intimacy. An open Swadhishtan chakra implies more emotional intimacy is on the horizon.

A blocked second chakra can translate into lack of creativity, restriction, issues of sexual intimacy or self-defeating behavior. Call upon Archangel Ariel to release old fears and limitations. Constantly affirm that you are loved, protected and open to receive divine care and blessings. To open this chakra, meditate and visualize a beautiful orange light spinning your second chakra. Also, affirm “I deserve respectful, intimate, healthy relationships.” Hatha yoga or surya namaskar is very beneficial for opening the Swadhishtan chakra.


3. The Third Chakra – Manipura chakras

Planet affected: Mars

Significant day: Tuesday

Planetary affect: Blood, muscles, bone marrow, stamina, strength

Angelic influence: Archangel Chamuel

Archangel Chamuel gives forth a bright golden light at the Solar Plexus chakra, which is the center of life-force energy. The issues here involve emotions of desire and personal energy. An open third chakra indicates an increased enthusiasm. The more open this chakra is the more the drive to move forward in life and accomplish one’s dreams. If the third chakra is blocked, then it may reflect an indecisive, fragmented mind-set.

The best way to retrieve your magnetism is to meditate on golden light and see it filling and spinning the solar plexus chakra. Dance, physical exercise and yoga are ways to unblock the Manipura chakra.


4. The Fourth Chakra – Anahata chakras

Planet affected: Sun

Significant day: Sunday

Planetary affect: Heart, vitality, overall health

Angelic influence: Archangel Raphael

Archangel Raphael extends a beautiful green energy to the heart center. An open heart chakra indicates an openness to receive love from yourself as well as others. It also indicates being healed from a broken relationship. The ideal way to open the heart chakra is to be lovingly gentle with yourself in the way you communicate. A positive self-talk is very uplifting for healing the fourth chakra.

A blocked heart chakra can cause you to feel abandoned, ignored, isolated or leave you bitter and unhappy. Don’t bypass the feelings of isolation, hurt and unhappiness. Accept the situation and infuse it with loving thoughts and self-talk that this too shall pass.

Call upon Archangel Raphael to send loving pink light to your heart center. Meditate on it! Joining a hobby class will help you re-kindle passion!


5. The Fifth Chakra – Vishuddhi chakras

Planet affected: Jupiter

Significant day: Thursday

Planetary affect: Liver, pancreas, circulation, fat

Angelic influence: Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Gabriel shines a beautiful blue light to the Vishuddhi chakra. An open fifth chakra indicates an openness to communicate and to express oneself with truth and integrity. It may indicate significant opportunity in the area of communication and the arts, as well.

A blocked throat chakra may cause you to shut down your feelings and also reflect unhealthy situations, including relationships in one’s life where dishonesty is rife.

To open up the throat chakra, call upon Archangel Gabriel to send his healing blue light to your throat chakra. Visualize the chakra spinning with beautiful blue light. Singing or any oratory class can help you to strengthen your throat chakra.


See Also

6. The Sixth Chakra – Ajna chakras

Planet affected: Mercury

Significant day: Wednesday

Planetary affect: Nervous system, mouth, skin, tongue

Angelic influence: Archangel Metatron

Archangel Metatron brings a beautiful indigo energy to the third eye chakra. An open Ajna chakra relates to divine insights, clarity in thoughts, expanded vision and intuitive/psychic senses. As it also unfolds great power of manifestation, the opening of the Third Eye chakra is of great significance. Visualize what you want in life and make it happen!

A blocked Ajna chakra can make you feel disoriented and clouded in thoughts. It also reflects a mind full of anxiety, worry, doubt, and self- criticism.

To open the Third Eye chakra, meditate on the brow center and see a beautiful indigo light spinning there. Pranayam or deep breathing can also help in opening the Ajna chakra.


7. The Seventh Chakra – Sahastra chakras

Planet affected: Moon

Significant day: Monday

Planetary affect: Blood, swelling, stomach, eyes, intestines, womb

Angelic influence: Archangel Uriel

Archangel Uriel brings forth a brilliant crystalline energy flowing to the crown/head. This chakra is very strongly connected to cosmic consciousness. An open seventh chakra denotes free flowing, open communication with the Spirit world. This also connotes great psychic/intuitive power and mediumship abilities. You are open to communicating with the Ascended Masters, Spirit beings and Light beings and may also access the Akashic records.

A blocked seventh chakra may cause fearfulness and unnecessary insecurity creating an intuitive stand still.

The best way to open the Crown chakra is visualizing white crystal light spinning the seventh chakra. Call upon Archangel Uriel to infuse it with light vibrations.

Following the above mentioned practices corresponding to the opening of each chakra, one can eventually strengthen the planetary energy associated with it in order to lead a positive life.


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About the Author

Sunanda Sharma is a professional tarot card reader, psychic, author and life coach. A published author, she has written two books, titled Inspiration from the Spirit Volume 1 and Inspiration from the Spirit Volume II, which are available on and

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