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Shelly Wilson: Healer of Hearts

Shelly Wilson: Healer of Hearts

Shelly Wilson: Healer of Hearts

Interview by Liane Buck

Intuitive Medium, Reiki Master and Spiritual Growth Coach Shelly Wilson would love to assist you on your spiritual journey. With respect, truth, integrity and love, she honors your free will and recognizes that you are co-creating your reality with the Universe. Shelly’s books, 28 Days to a New YOU, Connect to the YOU Within and Journey into Consciousness, are available in paperback and eBook. Shelly Wilson has studied with Sonia Choquette, Lisa Williams, James Van Praagh, John Holland and Tony Stockwell and is a certified Karuna© Reiki Master through the International Center for Reiki Training. In addition, Shelly Wilson is a featured columnist and an Executive Editor for OMTimes Magazine. Residing in Oklahoma, she has a BS in Business with a minor in Psychology.

OMTimes is thrilled with the opportunity to share one of our own Luminaries. Shelly Wilson is an amazing professional and human being and a joyful personality no shorter than a luminary.

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Interview with Shelly Wilson

OMTIMES: Shelly, it is a pleasure to be able to interview you today, even knowing that our readers are very familiar with your work. Give us a little background about your work.

Shelly Wilson: Liane, I must say I am absolutely delighted to have you interview me. I’ve been a featured writer with OMTimes since August 2012. You approached me at the end of 2014 with the Metaphysics Editor position, and now I am the Executive Editor. I am very grateful to be a part of the OMTimes family and its conscious evolution. Now, you know that is but one aspect of what I do. I almost spoke the word work, but have to say, what I do definitely does not feel like work because I am so passionate about it. I am also an Intuitive Medium, Reiki Master, Spiritual Growth Coach and author. I tend to refrain from referring to myself as a Psychic, although I do have Psychic abilities. There’s something about its word connotation even though I recognize psychic means “of the soul.” My personal mission is to assist others on their own journey into consciousness while encouraging them to live an authentic life through awareness and empowerment. As the saying goes, I choose to teach my clients to fish, rather than just give them a fish.

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