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5 Halloween Tips for Sensitive Children

5 Halloween Tips for Sensitive Children


Halloween Tips and Tricks for Ultra-Sensitive Children

by T Arlivia

It’s that season again. Scary masks and costumes line the shopping aisles like soldiers ready for battle. Halloween marathons run rampant on our television screens, invading our homes with frightening images of ghosts, monsters, and witches. Some children love the thrill of fear from these experiences. However, why can’t all children have an opportunity to join in the fun?

Ultra-sensitive children are highly evolved, intelligent, and intuitive souls from an array of different cultures. Sights and sounds are intense experiences for them. The excitement and glitz of Halloween can easily turn into an adverse experience for an ultra-sensitive child. These sensitive children are not only being exposed to the frights and sights of Halloween, but also amplified energy from their environment.

Do we try our best to avoid the unavoidable? Continue to dread Halloween or exclude our sensitive children from participating all together? Why not just join the party? By using this time of year as an empowerment and educational tool, we can show our ultra-sensitive friends how to survive, thrive and have a good time!


Tip #1 – Throw a Party

By throwing your own party at home or with a group of like-minded friends, you can create a fun and positive atmosphere for ultra-sensitive children. The traditional Halloween party can be overwhelming to an ultra-sensitive, but a costume party is fun for all. Who doesn’t like to dress up as their favorite superhero or in their best fairy costume? You can make sure everyone feels safe and ready for joy by having positive costumes that evoke feelings of happiness or laughter.

For instance, discourage fear-based attire by having non-scary costumes, such as superheroes, a fairy goddess, or a favorite animal. In addition to the costumes, the theme of your party can also add excitement and fun to Halloween. Angel and fairy-themed parties are great alternatives to the traditional, ghoulish gatherings. Allow the children to assist in the party planning, decorating, and even designing their own costumes. By setting a lighthearted theme, sensitive children can focus on enjoying their friends and family, versus shielding themselves from unpleasant costumes and scenery.


Tip #2 – Play Monster Bash

Yes, you read this correctly. Monster Bash is a game played with ultra-sensitive children to kick their fear of the infamous monster. Monsters are everywhere during this time of the year. It is not uncommon for ultra-sensitive children to have nightmares, have anxiety, or give into their fear about monsters.

Monster Bash can be played in a variety of ways, but the most child-friendly way involves a magic wand and a piñata. Have your ultra-sensitive child draw a colored picture or write the name of the monster on construction paper. Glue or tape the image to a pre-filled piñata that contains your child’s favorite treats or even slips of paper with hearts drawn on them. Hang the piñata and give your child the magic stick. It’s important to let them know that this stick is magical and that anything it touches loses all of its power! Ask them to strike the piñata and visualize the monster losing his power. No blindfold is needed because you want the child to understand that they have the power to face anything head on. Giving sensitive children an outlet to recognize and take charge of their emotions is a life-long skill that they are guaranteed to use down the line. After one or two rounds of Monster Bash, they’ll believe in their ability to make even the boogeymen want to run for cover.


Tip #3 – Power Up with Protection

Halloween is one of the best opportunities of the year to teach ultra-sensitives the art of energetic protection. In order to remain balanced, strong, and emotionally stable, everyone could use a crash course in protection. Ultra-sensitive children are able to learn protection the fastest because of their limitless imagination and their ability to absorb information quickly. Pair these factors with fun and you have a recipe for some serious spiritual Kung-Fu.

There are hundreds of psychic protection strategies out there to teach ultra-sensitive children. One of the most effective and easy for a child to master is using the white light of protection. Practice invoking the white light of protection through play. Using their super powers, have your child cloak themselves and their environment in diamond colored white light. Encourage them to feel extra protected when they see the white light by having them visualize the presence of their guardian angels or archangels. This is really fun to play when ultra-sensitive children are exposed to harsh energies or scary images.


Tip #4 – Create a Sacred Space for Bedtime

A sacred retreat or safe haven is a must have for any ultra-sensitive. Children who are ultra-sensitive should learn early on why sacred space during bedtime is important and how to create their own personal refuge. Bedtime is a time in which energy in their environment and in the brains of ultra-sensitives typically come to a peak. Sacred space is a boundary that is safe, relaxing, and peaceful to sensitive children.

Ultra-sensitive children can create sacred space though the use of crystals, protection sprays, burning incense supervised by a parent and nightly affirmations or prayers. Ideally, their entire room should be claimed as their sacred space in which anything that makes them feel uncomfortable is simply not allowed. If they have trouble with this, other places of sacred space can be used as alternatives in the beginning. Forts made with blankets in a section of their room or even just the perimeter of the bed are great places to start building the foundation for space. However, the end goal should be their bed room is sacred space.

See Also


Tip #5- Talk Openly About Their Experiences

Being able to have an open dialogue about Halloween is the best gift someone could give an ultra-sensitive child. Open and honest communication will allow them to voice their opinions and get clarity on their own belief systems. Due to their high capacity for intelligence and intuition, sensitive children are going to see beyond any falsehoods or sugar-coated explanations. They are profoundly curious about the world around them.

Dismissing their feelings and thoughts can lead to suppressed fears or other undesirable emotions that hang around long after Halloween is over. Instead, use the dialogue as an opportunity to share views on situations, explore different cultural customs, or investigate topics that are of interest to them. For instance, if a parent decides to take an ultra-sensitive child trick or treating, this would be a great time to address how the holiday is celebrated throughout the world. Knowledge about a topic diminishes the need to be afraid and instills confidence. With confidence, comes peace of mind and the ability to create a positive Halloween experience.

This Halloween season commit to having a blast with lots of positive experiences. Collaborate with your ultra-sensitive child on celebrations that have the potential to become traditions they look forward to. Allow sensitive children to explore, create, and truly enjoy one of our country’s most ghoulish times of year.

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About the Author

T Arlivia Early is a 12th-generation shamanic angelic intuitive, coach for ultra-sensitive people and children, and founder of A Sacred Soul. She advocates for ultra-sensitives worldwide through metaphysical business consulting, motivational speaking, spiritual teaching, and professional writing. To learn more about A Sacred Soul or book a session with T, please visit

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