5 Social Media Etiquette Rules to Live By
Social Media Etiquette
by Angela Levesque
It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. ~ Aristotle
It seems like the public discourse on social media these days is either all thumbs up or a vitriolic wasteland where people feel the need to personally attack one another because an opinion differs from their own. In either regard, there is very little significant dialogue. Have we forgotten how to listen to other people? Have we forgotten how important it is to hear differing viewpoints? We have these perfectly crafted interfaces from which to share our lives, ideas, and talents, but we don’t use them to their fullest capacity or intent. It is time to re-think the way we engage in social media and use these platforms consciously as a vehicle for connection, collaboration, and social change.
Here are a few Social Media Etiquette rules to live by:
Social Media Etiquette Rule #1 – Stop the Shaming
There is this disturbing trend in social media comments to shame one another. Whether it is about being overweight, too thin or not making healthy choices, we feel the need to weigh in. If you post something on social media for all the world to see, you should expect feedback. Even if you don’t agree with a person’s choice, there is no need to publicly shame that person. Part of this is not saying anything online that you wouldn’t say to someone face-to-face. Although we aren’t anonymous, there is still a layer of separation. It can feel like there isn’t a real person behind the photo or story you are commenting on. However, they are real people with real feelings. This isn’t about political correctness, but it is about productive public discourse. Sharing our well-thought-out opinion, offering solutions or constructive feedback is important. We should be able to debate the ideas and not be disrespectful to the person. As the saying goes, if you don’t have anything nice to say…. Well, you get the point.
Obviously, what we do to others we do to ourselves. We are losing our ability to be compassionate and see the importance of an opposing opinion. When we attack others that don’t agree, we stifle creativity. We reduce ourselves into limitation. Right now, with all the challenges we face, we need to broaden the pool of imagination, not limit it. People need to be able to share freely without fear of attack. This is how we can collaborate and learn from one another. There have become many topics that we just can’t talk about because they have become so polarized that any dissenting opinion is met with a vitriolic attack. Anytime we shut down conversations, we do a disservice to the public good. Vaccines, alternative cancer treatments, religion, and socialism are a few topics in social media that fuel cruelty on both sides.
Social Media Etiquette Rule #2 – Be Open to Ideas
Often shaming arises in social media from our love of taking our perception of scientific evidence and making it truth. Some feel justified in condemning an overweight person in a bikini because being overweight has proven to be unhealthy, so it is worthy of shaming. They feel justified because the evidence says so, while not knowing anything about the person, their lifestyle or their choices. There have been many instances of people who have chosen an unproven, alternative treatment and told they deserve to die because they opted for an unscientific approach. Is this the world we want to live in? It is time to take a moment and decide compassionately and consciously how we want to engage with one another as public discourse is taken online more often.
As part of a conscious community, we know that not everybody sees things the same way. What may be true to someone, to another, it is opposed to their worldview. This is what makes us unique and interesting. People understand and convey ideas and information in different ways. Let’s not dismiss ideas, talents and opportunities because they don’t fit into our worldview. If anything, give them pause. It is a great way to consciously challenge your beliefs. If you feel strongly enough about something that it triggers you, it presents a great opportunity to dig deeper and ask yourself why?
Social Media Etiquette Rule #3 – Don’t Share Things Unless You Know the Source
With that being said, we do have a certain responsibility to not just share everything that fits into your worldview. Viral media by its very nature is meant to antagonize or evoke deep emotion. Often, things are spread around so fast on social media that we don’t even realize that the post is satirical or worse, blatantly false. So, before you share, look into it and decide if this is really something you want to contribute to your sphere of influence. Is it authentic? Does it represent who you are and the world you want to live in? Often times, we spend so much time trying to convince another person of their ignorance that we share things that aren’t true or they happened to a friend of a friend. Share your personal stories if you want, but not third-hand information. Let’s keep it real.
Social Media Etiquette Rule #4 – Use Your Real Voice
Some of the most powerful social media commentary comes from people being able to meld their work voice and their personal voice. It may be tricky if you are the social media person for your company, but many of us are solopreneurs. We want to blend our work and our social lives. There is a level of authenticity when we are able to do that. Social media shouldn’t just be a billboard for our work. It is about engaging in conversation. Who you are should come through on your page, so you need to say things that represent you. If there is a huge incongruity between your work voice and personal voice, ask yourself why?
Social Media Etiquette Rule #5 – If You Like It, Don’t Be Lazy
We have become accustomed to just giving the ‘thumbs up.’ This is the equivalent to saying something is good. Not great or fantastic, just good. If you really like something, then comment. Share it with people. Support the people and things you love. The world needs more positive, authentic, human interaction. It needs more creativity and less attacking. Therefore, share the love and spread the word. That is what these platforms are designed to do.
Social media is not going away. While the platforms may shift and change, our ability to connect virtually will continue to grow. Bringing a level of consciousness, integrity, and authenticity to our interactions can go a long way in creating another vehicle for social change. We should use these platforms for building communities and not use them as a way to vent frustrations or tear down people with differing worldviews. Our online world is reflective of our outside world. If we create harmony and respect there, we can do it offline also.
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About the Author
Angela Levesque is a writer, intuitive and host of Entanglement Radio on iOM.fm. She works with clients doing intuitive lifestyle coaching, awareness development and a six-week program in conscious weight loss. She is the author of Healing Environment: The Conscious Creation of Health.
OMTimes Magazine is one of the leading on-line content providers of positivity, wellness and personal empowerment. OMTimes Magazine - Co-Creating a More Conscious Reality