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Angela Levesque: Calm Mind, Open Heart

Angela Levesque: Calm Mind, Open Heart

OMTIMES: Your website, Hestia Health, is based on the Goddess of the “home fire” or the fire of the heart. What is the role heart energies play in energetic healing?

ANGELA LEVESQUE: The heart is the doorway to the soul and the field of consciousness that connects us. Through years of suffering and pain, we can shut down our heart chakra. This closes the bridge to the higher aspects of ourselves. When we do this, our thoughts consume us, leading us to believe that we are separate. When the heart does not inform the mind, we can get out of balance in our lives. I believe this to be the root of the environmental and health challenges we are facing today, globally and individually. So in order to find the balance in our lives we must connect the mind to the heart. Through such things as meditation and energy work, we can open up the heart center, connect to our higher selves, and develop self-love and compassion. This is the gift of Hestia.

OMTIMES: Would you say Hestia Health is more a New Age or an Ageless Wisdom practice?

ANGELA LEVESQUE: We are seeing a return of the divine feminine. Hestia is part of this transformation. The goddess Hestia is symbolized by the eternal flame. She would travel from town to town lighting the fire in the center of the city. She represents getting the center of yourself in order, tending to your own flame, before you can light the fire in your family and community. These ideas are part of the New Age as well as many of the other goddess archetypes that are coming to the forefront of our awakening.

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OMTIMES: As a published author and an activist for natural and conscious health, what would you say would be the most challenging element that you have encountered in your practice?

ANGELA LEVESQUE: Arthur Schopenhauer said, “Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world.” This has been my biggest challenge with individuals, as well as taking natural health to the masses. On an individual level, people put themselves in boxes based on their perceived limitations. They let their mind dictate their potential. Remember, that healing is a returning to a state of wholeness. It is a mind, body and soul endeavor. Our spirits are perfect; they are limitless. When a person over-identifies with their body, they focus on what isn’t right about them. This limits what they think is possible. On a more global level, the challenge is the same. We have created boxes for ourselves. Science had played a role in this. In an attempt to look at a specific variable, drug or process, we have removed all outside inference so we can determine its effectiveness.The larger society then draws conclusions from those boxes and passes it along as truth. This also limits our potential. Many natural therapies incorporate energetic and Spirit in their foundations for healing. We are dynamic interconnected beings on all levels, drawing conclusions on the whole from the sum of its parts is the old paradigm. Once we experience that consciousness precedes matter, we break through those boxes and enter the realms of limitless potential.

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