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Are You A Highly Sensitive Person?

Are You A Highly Sensitive Person?


Traits of A Highly Sensitive Person

by Lynn Zambrano

highly-sensitive-person_OMTimesHighly sensitive people (HSP) flow in and out of energy fields. The greatest gift you can give yourself is to learn how to identify and surrender the emotions you feel. These emotions come from you, and because we are all connected, everybody else as well, since it is oneness we are experiencing.

With the experience of oneness you feel as a person who is highly sensitive, you may often find yourself in a state of confusion. What is yours? What have you picked up from another? The bottom line is you are feeling the emotion. The origin isn’t important. How you process it is. If not handled correctly, you will accumulate layers and layers of negativity. This, in turn, will give you a low energetic signature and attract more negative emotions and experiences.


Highly Sensitive Person – Flow with It

Learn to pause, identify your experience and the highly sensitive emotion behind it without labeling or judging (creating and attaching to thought forms) and flow with it rather than resist. This eases discomfort and dis-ease. Resistance causes MORE discomfort.


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Tension of Money

Highly Sensitive Person – How It Works

Emotions and their corresponding frequencies influence thoughts and beliefs, which in turn, either keeps the cycle going or offers you the opportunity for transcendence. Emotion + thought = belief system, which creates a cascade of involuntary reactivity. Your work is to feel the highly sensitive emotion without attaching thought and creating a story. Emotions are transitory and have a beginning and end. You must allow the feeling to be until it dissipates. Then, accept, surrender (let go) and transcend into the next higher frequency.


Highly Sensitive Person – The Stories You Tell

Emotion, energetic frequency, and thoughts create the story line in ego mind and casts ripples throughout the collective consciousness. This creates reality. Ego mind takes your feelings, thoughts, and beliefs and projects them into the world to validate and create your experience. Everything comes into form through vibration, and each feeling has a frequency and vibrational rate. Thoughts and beliefs mold it accordingly. Balance between conscious mind and ego mind is critical. Without it, you are not mindfully creating, but instead are creating unconsciously, which leads to chaos and suffering.

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