Are You A Highly Sensitive Person?

Highly Sensitive Person – White Water Rapids of Self (Ego)
Navigating through self allows emergence of true self (conscious mind), which is the spiritual purpose of all highly sensitive people. This transcendence actuates reality and directly affects all people in contact with the highly sensitive person and simultaneously the collective consciousness. When operating from self (conscious mind), the energetic frequency is very high. It is from this frequency that self creates reality or actualizes the appearance of a high frequency world. What would that look like? Miracles, peace, love, joy and the experience of oneness, or connectedness in peace, love and joy. The end of chaos, pain and suffering. Heaven on Earth experienced by all.
About the Author
Lynn is an Highly Sensitive Person advocate and uses writing to share perceptions on intuition, emotion, energetic frequency and thought forms. She is heralding the transformation of HSPs (highly sensitive persons) into HAPs (highly aware persons). Visit her at, or contact her at:

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thanks good advice!