Circles, Cycles, and So Much More
Circles: Opening our Minds to Dimension
Part of our awareness, down to each and every single person, includes how we relate to various images and pictures. We likely envision a personal space or comfort zone around us, perhaps as circles surrounding our dots of being. Considering the amount of time we spend seeking and searching our inner and outer selves, sometimes we get a little too involved in what we see. What’s more, we tend to get excited and interested in finding what exists beyond whatever our particular circle may be.
People process and render images in different ways. The way we depict things can differ even further, depending on our level of artistic skill. For example, if you asked a handful of people to draw a picture of a person, their collective artwork could include everything from a stick figure, a clothed stick figure, possibly a body outline, and, if lucky, an almost picture-perfect pencil sketch with light, shading, and dimension.
Processing what we see and conveying it can vary widely, including the shadow and light that make up a basic image. Most easily, many of us will think and convey basic shapes; for example, a circle. Circles may actually mean anything that is round, since many of us do not have the ability or materials to render and convey much more than the basic idea. Basic shapes are rather one-dimensional and flat, until we add other nuances and think beyond the flat image, bringing flat circles together to create an orb.
Cycles: Higher Processing
Speaking of orbs, an easy example to consider would be our solar system. Most images of the solar system that many of us may recognize from school books consist of the flat images of circles on larger orbits surrounding the sun. In recent years, with greater animation, we are able to take those flat, book images and make them into a movie that shows us how the planetary orbs move throughout their cycles. These cycles and the circles that run on them can vary in their appearance, depending on where we are and what is happening.
For example, consider planetary retrogrades when the affected planets appear to move in reverse. When our regular cycles change, we assign meanings to those times. When something exists beyond the usual, we recognize it. While cycles may happen with regular occurrence, we take it a step higher when we observe the evolution in own thinking.
Circles and Cycles, with Animation and Dimension
The instructional videos and movies many of us have seen over the years give us the impression of a static picture that comes to life with movement. Likewise, there are videos on the Internet today, largely attributed to Nassim Haramein and the Resonance Project, which raise this animation to another level. Using the same solar system example, we are asked to consider that the circles and cycles themselves move through universal space. This gives us an elongated and moving force that becomes increasingly more dynamic over time. As they travel, these circles and cycles, with animation and dimension, speed throughout the cosmos, reaching new areas in space, touching new experiences.
We would do well to consider how our own humble humanity has progressed over time. For example, early man went from drawing a circle into the dirt with a stick to making the first wheel. In finding uses for that technology, civilization has been on the road, moving forward ever since. We are at the time of another such movement and another turn of the wheel. These concentric circles and cycles may be complex, yet the process of progressing forward is quite simple.
Circles, Cycles, and Cylinders
In addition to the moving spiral idea of the animated cycle is the idea that dimensional movement itself may operate on a bit of a closed loop. In quite the way a flat line circles around and meets up with its origins, the same idea may follow for vortex energy, where the moving spiral may move in a cylindrical manner. Vortex energy resembles a large donut called a torus, with the zero point existing in the middle of all the movement around it, similar to the axle inside the hub of a wheel.
Circles are found in many things that surround us. For example, there are religious symbols, such as those found in Buddhism, Wicca, and Baha’i, which use a round circular image or wheel to denote change, connection, and the way in which many aspects radiate from the central point. And, interestingly, technologically-advanced Dyson fans blow air through a circle. Toroidal energies are an excellent example to illustrate how the same energy flows with a central or zero point. This shows our ability to exist in the center of a storm or activity, where we may mindfully select our interactions and influences, choosing order from the chaos that surrounds us.
Thinking Beyond Circles
As circles, cycles, and cylinders indicate, time, movement, and change come around to us all. These orbits of varying size and duration lend a certain sense of coincidence, eventuality/fate, completion, and eternity to life. What lies beyond these circular images and the spirals of activity, beyond the boundary lines of the circular forms?
While we can suppose all of this seems organized and planned, it also generates the recognition that, in spite of all this order, the opposite balance of unpredictability, randomness, birth, and brevity also exist. It is these co-existing levels of dimension that reach beyond each known form, which drive us on to be open to choose to experience these other possibilities.
What is the newest edge of our awareness, and where does it bring us? What new opportunities might we see when space and time converge? We had best be conscious of the many circles flowing around us. ~ Blessings!
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About the Author
Kathy Custren is a mother of four, who strives for balance and has a deep respect for All. Interests include advocacy, the arts, communication, education, health, humanity’s cosmic origins, nature, philosophy, spirituality, and wellness. Visit her page “Consciousness Live” on Facebook, and her site at
Kathy Custren, OMTimes Magazine Senior Editor, strives for balance in life with a deep respect for all. Interests include education, elements, nature, humanity's cosmic origins, philosophy, spirituality, and wellness. Connect with "Consciousness Live" on WordPress and the community page "Consciousness Live" on Facebook. Read more at Mindblogger: