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Diane Wing: Tales of the Unexpected

Diane Wing: Tales of the Unexpected

An Interview with Diane Wing: Tales of the Unexpected

Diane_Wing_OmtimesDiane Wing, M.A. wants to live in a world where people feel inspired, create their ideal future, and experience a sense of wonder at everyday magick. She has been in the business of guiding people to reach their full potential for over three decades. With a Master’s degree in psychology and a lifetime student of metaphysics, mysticism, and spirituality, Diane uses traditional and non-traditional tools to gain insights intended to produce growth and harmony in the lives of her clients. Diane is dedicated to the practical application of metaphysical and psychological concepts to help her clients understand and trust themselves, make better decisions, and be more resilient in the face of change. She inspires and transforms others to find clarity and to feel their best as they work to create their ideal future. Diane helps them to realize their greatness and to come to terms with their truth, remove delusion, and clear away misconceptions of the self to reveal their true nature at a core level.

OMTIMES: Diane, it is a pleasure to talk to you today. Knowing that our audience is very familiar with your work, can you briefly give us a little background about your work – who is Diane Wing?

Diane Wing: It’s my pleasure to be here! Ever since I was little, the world felt magickal. [I use magick with a “k” to differentiate the magic of an illusionist or stage magician from the magick that includes your intuitive abilities and tapping into the flow of the Universe). The world was beautiful and mysterious, filled with things to learn and experience. The path led me to become a lifetime student of metaphysics, mysticism, magick, and spirituality and to achieve a Master’s degree in psychology. The world still feels magickal to me; every act of nature, every energetic exchange, every new discovery is perceived through the eyes of wonder. I now understand that self-knowledge is the key to all magickal operations; the discovery of our own Inner Magick is essential to living in concert with the Universe. We are the Magician, as in tarot, orchestrating and creating life in accordance with our true self.

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