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Diane Wing: Tales of the Unexpected

Diane Wing: Tales of the Unexpected

OMTIMES: Do you think that people, aside from their religious beliefs or lack thereof, should also receive a comprehensive spiritual education? What would be your suggestion for that?

Diane Wing: It depends on the individual. If they are drawn to spiritual topics, then getting a spiritual education would be valuable. If not, then the non-spiritual person could still benefit from classes on energetic consciousness that are not necessarily based in the belief in a higher power.

At the same time, a spiritual education can help increase the level of compassion, inner peace, and harmony if the person is open to considering the lessons held within a spiritual belief system. It also opens the individual to accepting others and their beliefs, whether they agree or not. The main thing is that a spiritual education, or any type of educational focus for that matter, is a very personal choice, best based on individual goals and interests.

OMTIMES: How difficult is it for a recently-awakened person to accept the concept that we manifest externally what we create internally?

Diane Wing: The amount of difficulty varies depending on how open the person is to taking responsibility for what is in her life. We create everything in our lives. It is easy to see the connections between our internal and external worlds. If we feel centered, calm, and focused, the world looks bright and filled with potential, relationships are positive, and every day brings a new adventure. If we feel anxious, depressed, and off-center, then the world looks dark and hopeless, filled with obstacles that are difficult to overcome. This mindset builds a self-imposed prison of doom and gloom that keeps us stuck in old patterns.

See Also

Perspective shapes the way we live life. Changing the perspective changes the thoughts and beliefs, which change the emotions, which enable us to ultimately change the things that cause discomfort. We have the power to shift our reality. Wishing for things to be different does not work. Visualization alone does not work. Significant change comes from within when we embody what it is we want to manifest. This is the meaning of Gandhi’s famous quote, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”

If you want peace but harbor hatred, your world is filled with discord. If you cultivate inner peace, you manifest an ease and flow in your life. Anyone can test this concept. If the individual focuses on complaining, envy, disappointment, and entitlement, then they manifest difficult relationships, upsetting outcomes, and lack of success. If that same person stops complaining, asks what lesson is held within the situation, and decides that there is a goal worth working toward, they manifest a positive outlook, heightened energy, and better relationships.

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