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Do Animals Have Feelings?

Do Animals Have Feelings?


Albert reminded me that there are no absolute right or wrong actions on Earth because the Source does not make rules for us to follow. We all have rules and guidelines for our conduct on Earth that we set for ourselves as evolving souls. In this context, Albert said it was wrong for humans to kill animals for sport or to harvest exotic body parts like shark fins, elephant tusks, and rhinoceros horns that are not essential for our survival.

Yet, when it comes to killing animals for food, the answer is much more complex. Historically, humans have been omnivores because they ate animal flesh as well as vegetation. In the early days, humans did not have the food choices available today, so they survived by eating the flesh of any animal they managed to catch and by scrounging for edible fruits, berries and roots.

It is not unnatural for humans to eat animal protein since we have been doing for so for millions of years, but this does not mean that humans should necessarily continue to be omnivores. In recent times, most people in the developed world have an extensive array of fruits, nuts, berries, grains and vegetables available at the local supermarket. Armed with modern knowledge about what is essential for a nutritious diet, they can live healthy lives without consuming animal flesh.

Vegetarians adhere to their practice for several reasons. Many believe eating animal flesh is detrimental to their health and physical well-being. Others feel it is morally wrong to kill other animals even if it is for food, and some vegetarians believe raising animals for food is harmful to the environment and is an inefficient way to feed the people on our planet. More recently, some people have become vegetarians because they believe the consumption of animal protein is a deterrent to raising their vibratory rates and expanding their consciousness.

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So, what is the answer according to Albert? Provided the animals are treated with dignity and respect and killed in a humane way, and their bodies are consumed for food, Albert says the decision should be left up to each person on an individual basis. After millions of years as omnivores, it would be unrealistic to think that humans would change this practice overnight. As humans continue to evolve and increase their vibratory rates, more and more humans will cut back on the amount of animal flesh they consume because it hinders their progress up the vibratory ladder and makes them feel physically uncomfortable. Eventually, they will eliminate it completely from their diets, but this will be a gradual process that should not be forced on anyone.

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