How to Manipulate Time

by Guy Steven Needler
Have you noticed that time goes quickly when you are enjoying yourself and slowly when you are not? Is this a figure of speech or is it a real observation? Well, it does and we, as un-self-recognized master creators in this incarnate condition, can and do locally manipulate time. Actually though, we don’t exist in a time-based environment, we exist in an event space-based environment where that space can be created in a multiversally, universally, galactically, globally, group or individually based condition. Before I carry on though, I need to prove that time doesn’t exist, which is actually quite simple because we are given plenty of indications by our creator, the Source/God.
Most Spiritualists’ state that time does not exist in one breath and then quote that we are ascending into the fifth dimension in the other, while bypassing the fourth dimension because it is classified as time. However, time does not exist both in the Spiritualists’ mind and in reality, so why do we still relate to it? Why are we classified as existing in the third dimension and are ascending through the fourth to the fifth if the fourth does not exist? This is because our understanding of our position within the multiversal structure is incorrect.
From a structural perspective, we exist in the frequencies that inflate the sub-dimensional and full-dimensional structure of the multiverse and not higher up in the dimensional areas per se. Therefore, the lowest common denominator is not based upon dimensions, but upon frequencies, and it is the frequencies that we ascend through. The so-called fact that time is assigned as being both the fourth dimension and not existing being the major indicator, the milestone on the freeway, that we have an error in our knowledge and thinking process. Experiential knowledge that time does not exist sets our minds free from convention and allows us to work in a way where we can manipulate that space – a space made up of events by pure intention.
To prove my case, I wish to provide you with an example of how one can manipulate time or event space. In one event, I arrived in my home town via a train late. I was due to meet a connecting train, which was due to depart just minutes later and from another train station. The time to walk between these two stations is at least 7-8 minutes and circa 5-6 minutes to run between the two. I looked at my watch and as I arrived, I had just 6 ½ minutes to catch my connection. I focused my intention on arriving, not only in the other station, but on the correct platform on time to meet my connection in time and began a brisk walk. During the journey, I focused on arriving on time and not on the possibility of being late. As I approached the half-way point, I glanced at my watch and only 2 minutes of clock time had passed. I re-focused my intention to arrive on time and continued to walk in the same fashion. I subsequently arrived at the station and made my way to the platform. With my intention still on arriving in time, I arrived at the platform where my train awaited me. I looked at my watch and only 4 ¼ minutes had passed. I had stretched the event space I was in to get from one station to another. I had stretched or manipulated time and had arrived with 3 minutes to spare.
I have also used my intention in a similar way to compress event space, making the time spent doing something I didn’t like doing shorter. Try it yourself!
Use two synchronized watches to prove the point, one inside your local event space and one outside, and you will see for yourself how you can use your intention to manipulate time in this way. You will need to have your intention perfectly aligned with success though – with no doubt!
The example at the start of the article illustrated that enjoyment makes the passage of the event go faster because we don’t want it to end, and dislike makes the passage of the event go slower because we do want it to end. These desires use our intention to affect the structure of the local event space peculiar to ourselves and how it interacts with the wider event space that are group and globally based. Armed with this knowledge and with a neutral mind about an event, we can actively expand or contract the event space we create at will.
So, how do we exist within everyone else’s event space? If we locally manipulate time, how do we work with the same event space or time frame as those around us?
Again, note that we are in our own locally created event space. When we stop concentrating on time, we allow our event space to normalize, and we slowly and gradually normalize our time frame or event space to that equal to those around us. With that being, our local event space harmonizes with the other event spaces around us and adopts the average of all the local event spaces as well as that of the overall group event space of the Earth, galaxy, universe and multiverse.
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About the Author
Guy Steven Needler is the author of, The History of God, Beyond the Source Books 1&2, Avoiding Karma, and The Origin Speaks, published by Ozark Mountain Publishing.

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