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Increase Synchronicities With Intuition

Increase Synchronicities With Intuition

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You can release the flood of synchronicities that can happen in your life by letting your intuition guide you whenever you have choices to make.

How to Increase Synchronicities With Your Intuition

By Lisa K.



Whenever you make a decision, by engaging your intuition you have an opportunity to increase synchronicities in your life. Synchronicity is defined as “the simultaneous occurrence of events that appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection.” Synchronicity was a term first coined by Carl Jung, who defined it as an “acausal connecting (togetherness) principle,” or more simply, “meaningful coincidence.”

For us, spiritually, synchronicities are the guideposts, the miraculous happenings that bring us good things and remind us that everything is connected. When you get on the right wavelength of that connection to reach your goals in life, synchronicities seem to get you there more quickly.

You might consider seeing signs, such as a car’s license plate with a particularly meaningful word crossing your path at the right time, as a synchronicity. More simply a synchronicity could be you were thinking of someone just at the moment they happen to call you. But what we want are synchronicities that are meaningful and have great benefit to our situation or lives. After all, synchronicities can bring the perfect people to lead you to success, or lead you to situations where everything falls into place to improve your life.

Many times beneficial synchronicities just happen to us, seemingly at random. You can generate more synchronicities by using your intuition. This gives the Universe more opportunities to provide synchronicities that can be of great benefit to where you are right now and even steer you to fulfill your life’s purpose. Synchronicity can give you just the right thing at the right time when you use your intuition rather than as a random coincidence. You’re probably wondering, why does intuition help and how do I use it?

Intuition seems to have a connection to divine knowledge that steers the grand plan of the Universe. Through your intuition, you can be guided to stay on the path of that plan that has amazing synchronicities along the way. This is how you know you are going in the right direction.

Here are the steps to using your intuition to increase your synchronicities and get on the right path of abundance and manifesting what is perfect for you.

First, decide what you’d like to manifest in your life. It doesn’t have to be something big and life-changing; it can be something you need to get to your next goal. Once you’ve decided, take action on your plan. Then when you are presented a choice use your intuition to help guide you. The last step is to then let go and go with the flow.

For example, this past weekend I gave a keynote talk in Denver. It was a big event and I thought it would be a great opportunity to have some marketing photos taken. I decided to hire a freelance photographer, so I searched the modern day yellow pages: Google. Google presented me with a large list of names and headshots of Denver photographers.

There were so many that I had trouble picking one. I decided to use my intuition to pick up who would be best from just looking at their photograph. Lauren had the best feel to me intuitively as I ‘read’ her picture, so I chose her. Later, in checking out her background online, she seemed like she had limited experience and was just getting started, but her portfolio had great portraits of all kinds of people.

But, it turned out, I found out after meeting her in Denver, Lauren is a consummate photographer for many authors and speakers who were very successful, some of whom were New York Times best-selling authors! She was perfect for what I needed and perhaps more so. She also is an extremely experienced videographer, which just happened to be on my list of “who I needed to hire next.” Synchronistically, she also just happened to love the kind of work I do and was extremely interested in finding out more. Needless to say, we hit it off and had long talks over dinner. We discovered we synchronistically could help each other in so many ways. What a blessing synchronicity is when you use your intuition!

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Had I just used my logic brain to choose a photographer I probably would have gone with someone who listed a stronger background and had more experience. But, I relied on my intuition to guide me, which allowed the synchronicity to happen. Otherwise, I would have prevented the great connection from occurring.

You can release the flood of synchronicities that can happen in your life by letting your intuition guide you whenever you have choices to make. It’s then that you can enjoy the amazing events that will appear in front of you. You’ll know you’re on the right path and you can enjoy the ride to the end of the rainbow.

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About the Author

Lisa K. Ph.D., is a teacher, author, and speaker specializing in intuition and creator of Developing Your Intuition. Known as the intuition expert, Lisa has taught hundreds of people in workshops and seminars. Lisa K.’s public appearances reach people around the world through guest speaking and online media. Get a FREE e-Book on Intuition and 16 exercises you can do alone at

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