Messengers from Spirit

by Shelly Wilson
Learn to slow down and perceive the mysterious events and opportunities that happen in life. We call them coincidences, but if we look closely we see they are meaningful. They bring us just the right information at just the right time to extend our careers, relationships, and growth. These events feel destined in some way, as though the world is set up to help us make a better life, work through our problems, and reach our dreams – if we just pay attention. ~ James Redfield
Spirit provides the perfect message at the perfect time via the perfect messenger. This message may be presented to us via a Facebook post, a billboard advertisement on the highway or from an encounter with another individual. As our awareness becomes heightened, it becomes easier to recognize the signs and messages that are being presented to us by messengers from the Spirit realm.
Songs on the radio, television commercials and even upcoming events brought into your awareness are worth paying attention to, especially if you continue to see them or hear them repeatedly. Animal messengers and cloud formations, as well as anything else that catches your attention, should also be noted for the messengers they are. Signs are also presented to us as coins, song lyrics that randomly pop into your mind, dreams and clairvoyant images are also messengers. The ability to recognize when you are receiving guidance from the Universe, your Higher Self, your angels and guides is a skill that is easily mastered with practice and patience.
Take the time to check in with yourself and assess if there is an underlying message or if you are intended to take the messages literally. Symbols are everywhere and may mean one thing to an individual and something entirely different to another. Our perception assists us in our individual interpretation of these messengers as symbols. Sometimes, the message is not revealed to us immediately. Therefore, it is important to simply acknowledge the sign/message and not analyze it.
However, practicing discernment and what feels right to you is necessary. In doing so, clarity of the mental, physical and emotional bodies will occur. Silencing the mind chatter and enhancing your awareness will offer you this clarity. Attaining a deeper understanding of these messages from Spirit will assist you in discovering the lesson and/or blessing within each messenger experience and encounter, as well as the opportunities for learning and growth.
Knowing our personal mission further enhances the flow of mysterious coincidences as we are guided toward our destinies. First we have a question, then dreams, daydreams, and intuitions lead us toward the answers, which usually are synchronistically provided by the wisdom of another human being. ~ James Redfield
Subsequently, the Universe will assist us in bringing people, teachers and experiences into our awareness, so that we can learn, heal and grow. As a student enrolled in Earth-school, be mindful of all that you are experiencing in each and every moment, especially the challenging situations. Accordingly, incorporating enhanced awareness of spiritual messengers into your daily life will absolutely enrich your life.
Coined by Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, the term synchronicity is used to express a concept involving a causal connection of two or more psycho-physic phenomena. Otherwise known as a meaningful coincidence, synchronicity often time plays a role in the messengers and people that cross our paths.
I don’t think that anything happens by coincidence… No one is here by accident… Everyone who crosses our path has a message for us. Otherwise, they would have taken another path, or left earlier or later. The fact that these people are here means that they are here for some reason… ~ James Redfield
Recognizing your connection to those people who are in your life today will assist you in understanding the vital roles we play in each other’s lives. In addition, observing the blessings within all relationships is essential, including those individuals who are no longer in our life as well as those we have yet to meet. Ultimately, each one of us desires to be acknowledged, valued, appreciated and loved.
By seeing the beauty in every face, we lift others into their wisest self and increase the chances of hearing a synchronistic message. ~ James Redfield
With that being said, pay attention to those individual messengers who come into your immediate awareness. The encounter may be short, yet the messenger may provide the perfect message at the perfect time. Without fully realizing it, our friends, family members and colleagues will offer numerous educational and insightful opportunities through a seemingly simple conversation. Even overheard conversations from a messenger can prove to be significant.
Furthermore, notice that certain people will come into your awareness at precisely the right time in order for you to receive a message. The message or messenger may not initially be directed specifically towards you. However, if it comes into your conscious awareness, the message is undoubtedly for you as well.
Actively choose to recognize the synchronistic events in your life knowing that the Universe is assisting you on this journey into consciousness. Since each one of us is having our own unique human life experience, these messengers from Spirit can take many forms.
We have stopped for a moment to encounter one another, to meet, to love, to share. If we share with caring, lightheartedness and love, we will create abundance and joy for one another. And then this moment will have been worthwhile. ~ Deepak Chopra, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success
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About the Author
Intuitive Medium, Reiki Master, and Spiritual Growth Coach, Shelly Wilson, would love to assist you on your spiritual journey. She is the author of 28 Days to a New YOU, Connect to the YOU Within, and Journey into Consciousness. In addition, Shelly is a featured columnist and the Executive Editor for OMTimes Magazine.

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