3 Steps Before Starting a Raw Diet

Before planning to start a raw diet, you need some research about its viability, inclusion of essential nutrients, health quotient. Of course, the planned raw food diet could be of great value to derive all nature’s health benefits. Before going for raw food, you should understand the philosophy behind the plan and the purpose linked to the raw diet. The nutritionists or dietitians recommend some steps to consider for planning raw food diet.
Basically, the 75 percent of daily diet requirement should be met with raw food diet and the rest, 25 percent, should be met with cooked foods. People who follow a raw food diet, argue that valuable enzymes, vitamins, minerals would be lost while cooking foods in high temperature. It is must to have the advice of your nutritionist or dietitian for planning and going in for a raw food diet. They recommend the type of raw food diet should be taken while taking into consideration of your health, medical history, age, and work routine.
3 Steps for following a Raw Diet:
Raw Diet Step #1 – Have a Balanced Diet Plan
It is imperative to have balanced diet plan before you are committed to follow raw food diet. First, the raw food diet plan should be preferred for a short term and extend the plan slowly for a long term. Of course, transition from taking cooked food to raw food might be difficult and troublesome. So, you should ensure fresh unprocessed foods from organic sources, as it comes without adulteration.
Raw Diet Step #2 – Have Good Quality Kitchen Equipment
The good quality of kitchen equipment, like food processor, blender, cutting boards, sharp knives, good quality dehydrator, good quality processor, and juicer should be kept handy for following raw food diet. You should consider easy to prepare raw foods for diet and you should compromise with taste before trying raw food diet. As far as possible, select fresh food items to maintain long term raw diet plan.
Raw Diet Step #3 – Go for Fresh Organic
Food sources play an important role for planning and going in for raw food diet. Fresh organic foods should be preferred for raw diet. Try to consider the fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, good quality leafy green vegetables, roots, fresh herbs, nuts like walnuts, almonds, cashews, seeds like sesame seeds, sun flower seeds, raisins, berries, raspberries, cranberries, coconut milk, apricots, pineapples, apples, mangoes, and dates are some of the food items to include in the raw food diet plan.
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About the Author
Connect with Andrew Pacholyk MS L.Ac at peacefulmind.com “Living Life, Consciously” Alternative medicine and therapies for healing mind, body & spirit!

Andrew Pacholyk, MS, L.Ac. has been in the alternative health field for over 18 years. He is an expert in treating infertility and gynecology, pain management and anti-aging therapies. His knowledge, expertise and clinical training has offered him the ability to experience and continually learn about the body and its energy system in health as well as in disease.