Symbiotic Soul Relationships
by Geoffrey Jowett
The essence of your consciousness, your ‘beingness,’ is your soul. Your soul belongs to a family or collection of souls with a like vibration and a similar awareness. Like attracts like. As a complementary unit of souls, your family works together to share comparable healing and inspiration on an interrelated path of enlightenment.
As you develop and grow, your soul family members can also develop and grow. Simultaneously, they have the opportunity to expand their consciousness, learning from your actions, feelings and thoughts. You remain telepathically linked to your soul family members no matter where they are. If your loved ones are next to you on the couch, across town, in Europe, or in the higher vibration of the world of Spirit, you can share information and feelings through thought transference.
Your soul family members that have left their physical bodies and have crossed over to the spiritual plane stay connected to you to help guide you, encourage you, protect you, care for you, and love you. What might surprise you is that your thoughts, beliefs, and actions can support, encourage, heal, and enlighten your loved ones in the spiritual plane.
Often, the term spirit guides are presented, which implies that entities, like family members in Spirit, may help guide you through life. Interestingly, I have also found that your loved ones in Spirit frequently communicate that you can be supportive of them as well. Your prayers, thoughts, intentions, feelings, words, and actions can guide your loved ones in Spirit to a new level of understanding and awareness.
For example, during a reading, often a child that has crossed to Spirit will tell their parents that surrendering their deep grief, anxiety, and fear will help the child progress within the spiritual dimension. The heaviness and confusion that grief and fear creates can be felt and influences the energy of the child in Spirit. When a parent can celebrate the moments that were gifted with their child, they are also more open to feel and receive messages from their child in Spirit. The child feels the joy, happiness, and love of these lighter emotions and can assist the child to evolve, expand, and grow in their spiritual awareness.
When a spouse in Spirit comes through during a reading, often they let their loved one know that in order to help them to heal, grow, and become more enlightened, it is valuable if their spouse in the physical plane can trust that they are always within communication. In addition, it is essential to have faith in everlasting love and to believe that there are no barriers with feeling a soul, family member. The more that the spouse in the physical world can enjoy their life and express delight in the relationships that they were granted and release the darkness of grief and despair, the more they will help the spouse in Spirit to progress with their soul advancement and expand their consciousness. What a beautiful and wonderful gift to give to a soul that you love!
Parents that have crossed over into the higher vibration of Spirit often communicate to their children during a reading to make peace in all relationships and to love each family member unconditionally, especially those in greatest need of love. The tranquility, compassion, and unrestricted love of the child in the physical world will once again help their parent in Spirit to release their worries as well as advance and inspire their consciousness toward heaven.
Soul family relationships are symbiotic associations, meaning you and your loved ones (in the spiritual plane or the physical plane) are influenced by each other’s conscious thoughts, feelings, and attentiveness, as theirs influences you. What you think, say, believe, or do can affect the consciousness of your loved ones. You are eternally linked with your soul family members to help each other to awaken from your slumber and to remember the essence of your being as sacred love and eternal light.
Imagine how much you can do to elevate the consciousness of the universe! Your thoughts, emotions, feelings, beliefs, words, and actions are all expressive energetic waves of energy that permeate through all levels of consciousness and influence your soul family members, wherever they may be.
Each thought, every feeling, and all that you say and do is an energetic vibration of love or fear, peace or conflict, joy or sadness, and hope or doubt. Consider all the love, kindness, and support you can share with your soul family members by simply just being your natural and divine self. Be love. Express love. Trust in love. Your sacred and heavenly love heals all.
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About the Author
Geoffrey Jowett is an intuitive medium, author and spiritual educator located in Palm Springs, CA. To learn more about him, please visit
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