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Teresa de Grosbois: Igniting Wildfire

Teresa de Grosbois: Igniting Wildfire


Teresa-de-Grosbois-october-OMTIMESShawne Duperon: So let’s talk about influence. 

Teresa de Grosbois: I would love to.  Influence has a set of rules or habits, and once you learn them, it becomes easy.  A lot of us learn rules and habits when we are first networking in business. You learned, for example, that it’s a good idea to offer to buy an important contact lunch. Yet you know, intuitively, that if you met someone influential like Oprah Winfrey, you couldn’t just phone up and offer to buy her a coffee.  So somewhere, when we are talking about highly influential people, that rulebook changed.  It is about just learning the new set of rules and habits for meeting the highly influential and becoming influential yourself.

Shawne Duperon: And that’s really at the heart of your new book that’s out.  What’s it called?

Teresa de Grosbois: Mass Influence:  The Habits of the Highly Influential. I wrote this book because I wanted people to understand how easy and simple it is to become influential and to be able influence positive change in the world.

Shawne Duperon: What are the new rules?

Teresa de Grosbois: The first habit you see amongst highly influential people is that they are masterful at building relationships. One of the ways that influential people build relationships is they use the giving and receiving of influence in order to do it.  Most of us are already influential.  You have a following on Facebook or LinkedIn.  You could connect people with other influential people.  There are hundreds of ways that you can endorse or recommend someone and that helps you to powerfully build relationships with other influential people.

See Also

Shawne Duperon: Can you give an example?

Teresa de Grosbois: Let’s say you’re a massage therapist, and you want to connect with the holistic wellness community.  You could go out and meet the local president of your holistic chamber of commerce.  Building a relationship with them could bring you leads and recommendations.  In return, you could connect the chamber president with other people that might join their chapter or maybe when they are holding a local meeting, you might make sure you mention that there is a chamber meeting coming up and you post it to your social media. 

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