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The Power of Discernment

The Power of Discernment


In its simplest definition, discernment is nothing more than the ability to decide between truth and error, right and wrong. According to, discernment is about “the quality of being able to grasp and comprehend what is obscure.”

The energies from September and into the year ahead are all about discernment, It involves looking beyond the obvious and delving into the obscure. The word discernment applies to all levels of being. Whether it is our relationship, work dealings, colleagues, situations, or events in our life, discernment can really change the game of our life.

Let’s understand how discernment can be a harbinger of significant change in our life:


Discernment in Relationships

Many relationships fall apart because we forget to look beyond the veil. The surface looks are deceptive, and we tend to get carried away in the trifle setting. Later, when the covers are down, we realize this was not what we wanted at all! Shocked and depressed, we also feel deceived, angry, and hurt and a plethora of negative feelings emerge. What we fail to realize is that the fault was not out there, it was very much inside us. We never acknowledged our gut feeling about it. With our inflated egos ruling the roost, we just side lined it as yet another passing thought.

When routine set in, we realized the superficiality and uncanniness of our ego self and how our short sightedness sabotaged our soul stirrings as another relationship went kaput. Had it been for a discerning eye, we wouldn’t have fallen wayside! The catch here is listen to your inner voice. If it is nagging you, don’t impulsively dive into a relationship because you have to, rather see if it feels right! Check your internal sensors, which is your barometer to success. If it feels nice, warm and peaceful, it’s great to go ahead or revisit some other time. Anything very exciting at first sight may not be so in the long term, so check the waves and let the smooth sailing take you forward!


Discernment in Work Deals

While in a job or closing a business deal, we often deal with other individuals; sometimes, hastily making decisions, which we later regret. Sometimes, we are just bypassing our internal warning system! What ensues is a rift, disagreements, conflict of interest, deception, etc. Human nature is to buy what is presentable and appealing versus what carries depth and integrity. What is required is too look beyond the surface value and to fathom what is being offered apart from what one can see. Judge the possibility of what is amiss and look for the bigger picture.


Discernment with Situations in Life

There are situations in life where one is asked to figure out what is right and what is wrong. Remember, what is right for one person may not be the same as for another. In that case, what do you do? Do you use logic or do you go by wisdom or just discernment. The success route is discretion and discernment as you allow the obscure to rule over the obvious. Go backstage and understand what is upfront. The reverse route is always the best way of understanding disguises in a situation. Not all of us are psychics or highly intuitive all the time, so just do a backward check and run the script for possible spoofs.


Discernment with Colleagues

More often than not we try to befriend colleagues at work as allies or future need prospects. While this strategy is good to go with, what we miss is that not all may be so forthcoming. Some may just want to walk away once their job is completed, leaving a bitter taste behind. So, how do we operate in a cordial, yet smart manner at the workplace?

Again, don’t get carried away by enticing smiles, aesthetic appearances and flowery compliments. Obviously not all individuals will be meaning ill. Chances are if you see them through discerning glasses, you are bound to be more successful in the long term. Rose-tinted glasses have never really served well in a professional environment. Keep it short and simple, yet amiable! As they say, behind the pretty looks and handsome face, a human being has his/her insecurities, ambitions, and life experiences, so read through the person and then surmise what to expect.

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These are some of the ways one could use discernment to their advantage. A discerning mind can save us from a lot of heartbreak and stress. It’s a powerful skill one can develop and use.


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About the Author

Sunanda Sharma is a professional tarot card reader, psychic, author and life coach. A published author, she has written two books, titled Inspiration from the Spirit Volume 1 and Inspiration from the Spirit Volume II, which are available on and

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