Use Feng Shui To Help Save Money

Feng Shui principles work on many levels and people generally want this information because they have heard that Feng Shui applications to any environment can help improve a person’s health, well-being, relationships, and saving money.
Sometimes the advice is specific to a person, such as a person born in the year of the Ox, should not sleep with their head to the Sheep Direction (S/SW) because that can be draining and make it harder to save money. In comparison, a general principle that applies to everyone would be to avoid having a front door aligned directly with a back door. This one is so universal that many home builders in the 1990’s started changing their floor plan designs to not have a straight path from front door to back door. Why? Because this is a classic “chi flow” problem. It can make it harder to save money, as a trickle-down effect of the chi (air currents) not being able to circulate and stay longer inside before they exist.
Another interior design flaw that makes it harder to save money is when the base of a staircase is aligned directly with a frequently used door. What does one do to save money if they have either scenario? If your front door is aligned directly with a back door or if your front door is aligned directly with a set of stairs, you can buffer that chi flow problem with a variety of furnishings and décor items. Furniture, screens, lighting fixtures, live plants or water features can help slow down the direct path of chi. A rule of thumb is that if you have to walk around an object to continue your path, then the chi needs to move around the object as well.
Along the same theory in regards to energy flow and re-directing it, some people live in a house where the street first comes toward their house and then veers away from it. This carries the chi (air currents) away from the house before having a chance to supply the house (a living organism) with vital energy. Through various landscaping techniques, it is possible to re-direct the energy toward a house instead of letting is slip away. This may all seem like very subtle, far-fetched even to the Western mind. But the practice of Feng Shui formally dates back several thousand years with a long track record of accuracy in how to interpret the mundane impact of these esoteric concepts.
When good energy is seen as draining away, instead of pooling or collecting around a property, there is usually a correlation with a person’s inability to save money or even make money in the first place. Gaps in a fence around your yard could signal finances that drain away, like water leaking from a cracked container. Even with interiors, if you sit at your desk with your back to the door, it can drain your own vital chi, and make it harder for you to personally save money. Instead, one should sit with their back to a solid wall, if at all possible. The wall is a virtual mountain, and the open space in the rest of the room is considered virtual water. Mountains are for protection and the water brings life and prosperity. This is why settlements of people seek out this kind of natural setting as well.
If you sleep up against a low window, this may be increasing your own loss of personal chi through the top of the head. Having a solid window treatment or a high headboard can help buffer this chi flow alignment so that you can be more energized, instead of drained, when you go about your work day. This is an indirect way to help you make and save personal chi which influences how you save money and your money making powers.
In a Feng Shui audit, there should be suggestions on how to save and store the vital chi in an around a property so that it can translate into better finances for the occupants. Equally, a space needs to have the right arrangement so that energy does not get stifled or completely blocked. As mentioned, a gap in a fence along the back or side could make it harder to save money. But the fence should not be completely enclosing the property in the front, as then there would be no way to let the chi in. Neither extreme is good.
When considering all the layers and facets to Feng Shui for helping you save money, exterior environment has to be addressed, along with interior architecture and design. Personal compatibility with a space, based on the person’s birth year and occupation, can also dictate what kinds of recommendations will be made. And on the highest level of Feng Shui analysis, we can understand which houses and buildings are inherently better or worse for making and saving money when we know the age of the structure and its precise compass alignment.
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About the Author
Connect with Kartar Diamond and Kartar’s School of Traditional Feng Shui® at

Kartar Diamond grew up in Southern California in the 1970’s and always had an interest in metaphysics and holistic lifestyle choices. She met Master Sang in 1992 became one of his senior graduate instructors from the American Feng Shui Institute. Kartar founded her own company, Feng Shui Solutions, and has advised thousands of clients and students about the healthful benefits of this still greatly misunderstood practice.