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6 Keys to Releasing Self-judgment

6 Keys to Releasing Self-judgment


by Cindy Griffith

All too often, a trip down memory lane takes a left turn into self-judgment, especially for those who are on a spiritual path. Spirituality tends to endorse higher expectations for behavior and can backfire into creating a hidden environment of judgment. This unrealistic goal of perfection causes spiritual people to be haunted by their humanness. Being human means being a part of an evolution of consciousness, while being spiritual means being consciously dedicated to one’s own human evolution. Therefore, it is natural that a person gets wiser and able to understand consequences much more clearly as her consciousness and spirituality evolves.


Evolution and Self-judgment

Decisions, choices and actions are always made based on the level of consciousness a person has at that specific time in his life. As human consciousness evolves over time, people are naturally going to make better choices in the future than they would have done in the past. Viewing a decision, choice or action made in the past, through that higher level of awareness, which is now wiser, stronger and knows better, will always throw those actions into a poor light. It is easy to see how self-judgment arises when a person does not acknowledge that her consciousness has grown, shifted and changed, as it continues to evolve.

Part of evolution is learning from mistakes. Instead of going into self-judgment about a past experience, take the time to look at the lesson attached to the experience. Every instance of poor judgment utilized or of an unfortunate situation experienced holds a lesson. Find the lesson. Then, trace how that lesson learned can be used. If it is a recent issue, focus on how the lesson can be used in the future.

Sometimes, where a person’s consciousness has not yet developed fully enough to be able to clearly see the lesson, the ability to see the action needed for future situations is also underdeveloped. This is when poor responses arise. For example, if a person was taken advantage of in a relationship early in life, he may decide not to trust anyone, rather than to simply be more aware of how his need for affection tended to make him ignore intuitive red flags.

Utilizing Self-judgment for Growth

From the current higher level of consciousness, take the time to go over the lessons learned. Look at what choices and decisions were made at that time. Then, be sure that those prior conclusions still make sense.

It can be helpful to imagine making different choices given similar circumstances. In a safe place where there is no disturbance, take a few deep breaths. Imagine a similar, if not the same, situation happening. Visualize making the choice that you wish you had made. What action would you take now that creates a feeling of pride in that choice and leaves you feeling self-empowered? This is the choice that would have been made if you had had the level of consciousness and spiritual evolution that you now have. Take some time with this exercise and don’t be afraid to imagine being braver or wiser than you actually feel yourself to be.

When you can see yourself as human with a growing and evolving consciousness, you will understand that you have made the best choices based on the level of conscious awareness you had at that time. Then, you will be able to love your past self with all its mistakes and poor choices. The next time you take a left turn on memory lane, instead of going into self-judgment, send loving energy to your younger self. See yourself making better choices today. Give yourself credit for the growth you have made. Allow yourself the gift of evolution by learning from the past instead of judging it.

To summarize, here are some key ways to release self-judgment:


6 Key Ways to Release Self-judgment

1. Recognize that you have grown and so has your ability to make wiser choices.

2. See how much you have evolved and how you now make better decisions.

3. Find the lesson in the experience and see how you have put that lesson into action.

4. Re-evaluate past decisions you made that were based on the experience.

See Also

5. Visualize the situation you were in and see yourself take the action that you would now choose to take.

6. Send loving and understanding energy to your past self.

Most of all, remember you are a human being. You made mistakes; you will make mistakes again. That is good: mistakes are one way to learn and evolve. Looking back at your past with non-judgment is another way to grow. When you go into self-judgment, don’t judge the judgment. This, too, is human. Learn from it and move on. Life is a series of actions and reactions. It is how you handle the reactions that determine your conscious evolution. You have the power to grow, so let the judgments go.


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About the Author

Cindy Griffith is a Psychic, Spiritual Development Teacher, Blogger and Author of Soul Soothers: Mini Meditations for Busy Lives. She is excited about her new book, co-authored with Lisa K., Grow Your Spiritual Business. Cindy teaches throughout the U.S. and Tokyo.

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