Go Lean. Why More Protein?

Including more protein in your diet is the best way to Go Lean!
Why Protein is Important if You Want to Go Lean
The struggles and woes of getting fit and staying that way can be an exhausting experience. Most experts believe that it is less about how you eat and more about what you eat. And although that may wane true, it’s less simple than you think. Adding just the right balance of exercise and nutritional sustenance is the real key. Therefore, I ask the question: You really wanna get fit? Get lean with protein! I give you the skinny on my top five protein sources!
So you’ve been killing it in the weight room and drudging through cardio week after week, but you’re not coming any closer to reaching your fitness goals. You’ve cut down your caloric intake and you’re eating 5-8 times a day, just like every book and online blog has recommended. So the question you have is, why in the H**L are the pounds not coming off and you still look and feel the same?
Simply put: you’re starving your muscles from the food source they need the most to be the most effective, PROTEIN!
Arguably the number one fuel source for the working muscles in your body is protein. Protein provides the building-blocks of chemical substrate you need to reinforce, repair, and solidify growing muscle tissue. Essential amino acids are found in protein. They are symbolic ‘bricks’ of the muscle wall composing skeletal muscle.
Problem is, most people don’t know how to find the right source of protein. But I’m here to give it to your straight! First off, know when to fuel up. Approximately 30 minutes post-workout, you need to consume at least 30-60 grams of protein. Heck, most bodybuilders consume at least one gram of protein per one pound of weight.
Secondly, it’s all about the sources you have. This allows you to get the most out of the protein you eat.
Here are my top five Go Lean Protein sources just for you:
Go Lean Protein #1. Fish – per 100 grams of fish, you’ll get 26 grams of protein. In one 3oz fillet, you can get approximately 22 grams of protein.
Go Lean Protein #2. Lean Chicken – per 100 grams of chicken, you get 18 grams of protein and one 3 oz serving, you can get 16 grams of protein!
Go Lean Protein #3. Cheese – per 100 grams, you’ll reap the benefits of a whopping 32 grams of protein. 1 slice equals 9 grams of protein. Put me down for 10!
Go Lean Protein #4. Pork – my second white meat of choice. Although most people hate on it, this is power packed with a protein punch! Per 110 grams, you’ll get 30 grams of protein. 1 pork chop provides 41 grams of protein! That’s what I’m talking about.
Last but not least…
Go Lean Protein #5. Lean Beef – per 100 grams of beef, you receive 36 grams of protein. To be more specific, a 3 oz steak or slab of veal will provide 31 grams of protein! So bring on the filet mignon. I’m game!
That’s it for now, friends. I hope you found this informative. Keep living well, be sure to get enough protein, and join my #EatLessMoveMore campaign.
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About the Author
Dr. Braxton A. Cosby, a licensed physical therapist with his Clinical Doctorate from the University of Miami, has over 14 years of professional experience as a presenter, program facilitator, Certified Clinical Instructor, Sports Nutritionist, and Personal Trainer. braxtoncosby.com

Dr. Braxton A. Cosby, licensed physical therapist with his Clinical Doctorate from the University of Miami, has over 14 years of professional experience as a presenter, program facilitator, Certified Clinical Instructor, Sports Nutritionist, and Personal Trainer. Braxton works with patients in Atlanta, Georgia, and runs Boot Camps in the metro area to help clients obtain their fitness goals. A past co-host with Jamie Dukes, on Ask The Fat Doctors, Braxton now broadcasts his own podcast, Fat Free: Ask The Fat Doc.