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Hit the Positive Reality Switch!

Hit the Positive Reality Switch!



By Tracey Ash

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In 2011 I discovered a positive reality switch! 5D miracles of healing that overhaul perspective on life and world. I had hit the quantum key of new frontier spirituality that finally resolves pain and fear to enter a new paradigm. I help individuals from all over the world of all cultures. This time-traveler takes you living a more positive, peaceful future with life lessons understood. This is the ‘how to’ on succeeding in the alchemy that is life!

On 21 March 2011, spring equinox, sixteen minutes of live, moving energy orbs was filmed at The Mortuary temple of Rameses III, Egypt during my Return to Light Tour. This was a monumental time for humanity and a new cycle of unprecedented and accelerated world change- The Arab Spring events and just days after Fukishima’s nuclear disaster, post-tsunami. Egypt emptied of tourists and we chose to stay for a journey of personal and planetary healing and peace.

The film recorded a live narrative and stream of manifestations of feathers defying gravity and thousands of active energy orbs varying in speed and intensity. The ancient wisdom was live and active in these world events. We were in The Arab Spring! And miracles of healing were happening! It was the big spiritual and transformational experience I dreamed of all my life.

My future was revealed; my book and a life traveling the world; sharing a new frontier of positive change. I show the way.

So what is different?

• This generation succeeds in freedom, truth and love, to live beyond ego-agenda.

• This generation positively galvanizes planetary healing, evolution and peace.

• This generation manifests more intelligence, love and miracle-solutions to heal the bigger world picture.

• This generation knows the miracle is ONE- working together for evolution.

• This generation knows positive and good!


Dubbed ‘The medicine Buddha’ by Tibetan Buddhists, Nobel Prize winning biochemist, Elizabeth Blackburn created an unusual research partnership with Elizabeth Epel, a postdoc from UCSF’s Psychiatry Department, with an interest in the damage done by chronic stress.

See Also

With blood samples of 58 women, two groups of stressed mothers and controls, the research results were startling. The greater the stress, the shorter their telomeres and lower levels of telomerase. This is key in the process of aging and anti-aging. Their research led to trials researching the link between meditation and telomerase.

Tracey Ash Book Cover SmallBlackburn is convinced stress matters. She and Epel demonstrated the effects of stress during pregnancy on telomeres can be passed during pregnancy. Stressed mothers birth children with shorter telomeres. This is super-fascinating as there is a direct contradiction with existing paradigms that traits are passed via genes. This is vital information in gathering more knowledge on how stories are passed. This is super-exciting in a world where meditation is change for good! This scientifically proves we have the power to change our stories, improve health and anti-age. This is the magnificence of meditation! Let’s hit the switch! The book delivers more on this!


Hit the quantum switch for 100% spirituality- mastering the new frontier of purpose, awareness, empowerment and truth. No longer the domain of soft-spirituality, this awareness and transformation training delivers in life. Once you hit the high frequency switch- you ignite life force to take you into the domain of genius. You know you can create miracles. You know you can create outside of convention. Train with the teacher who not only works with scientific research (PSI Science Institute Japan) but also does it! Sessions are name, no questions, 60 minutes by Skype or on unknown audience members. This is the ‘real-deal’ game-changer who accesses your highest frequency life purpose.

121’s, Life Vision School, Awareness School, Conscious Retreats, Expos in Japan, USA, Europe, Egypt. 2016 Power Site Training: Japan: Okinawa, Mt Kumara, Egypt: Cairo, Luxor, Aswan, Glastonbury

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