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Money Magic

Money Magic


Program Spotlight – Money Magic

For more information about Money Magic, or to access your 3 FREE Audio teachings, click the banner!

Intuitives & Spiritual Entrepreneurs


Your Inner Quantum Light Field



Hello! I’m Dana Stovern, Money Medium, and I help sensitives and intuitives heal their money challenges from the inside out for better cash flow, debt reduction and making monthly ends meet.

As a money medium nothing is more frustrating for me than seeing gifted individuals in the holistic, metaphysical and intuitive fields wrestling with their finances, using outdated spiritual money models. Sometimes, these issues keep them from delivering their gifts to the best of their abilities.

I want to make a difference in changing this!

When I experienced my own spiritual-financial crisis, I was determined to find the solutions that no one was able to deliver for me. I uncovered one metaphysical money gem after another, breaking spiritual money myths left and right. In the process, I’ve given myself and others spiritual-financial insights, leverage and relief.

I’m here to share with you the best of the intuitive money basics I’ve gleaned from working with thousands of clients over the past decade, and the best from the last four years of Money Magic.

Welcome! To FREE AUDIO from my three Quantum Light Money Programs that will help you begin get to the root of your money challenges in your quantum light field for positive healing change.

These leading-edge classes in the emerging field of conscious and somatic-money work will take you beyond your prosperity, abundance, and manifestation practices into the depths of your light field where the money information of our lives exists – where real change occurs.

Tune in with these FREE introductory audios:


Money Magic Free Audio Offers

FREE AUDIO #1 From Treasure Chest – Transform Your Money Destiny

Click Here: “Dissolve Your Money Blocks – 5 Best Access Strategies To Claim Your Personal Treasure”


See Also

FREE AUDIO #2 From Claim Your Money Power From The Sacred Ancient Sites

Click Here: “How Does Your Authentic Power Impact Your Money Relationship?”


FREE AUDIO #3 From Heal Your Money Code From The Quantum Hebrew Light Letters

Click Here: “What’s Your Missing Money Link?”


For more information on Money Magic and its creator Dana Stovern, visit

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