Scorpio – The Power of Regeneration

by Debbie Peluso
As Fall comfortably sets in around us, we see transformation taking place all around us. The beautifully colored leaves softly begin to fall stripping the trees naked. The seasonal plants we planted die, and animals begin to scurry about collecting food for their survival during the cold months. Yes, death surrounds us, but it is all in preparation for rebirth. The trees will redress themselves, and the plants will bloom again.
Looking at this process, one can grasp the concept that every second in our lives is a death and rebirth. Time, words spoken, glimpses of our loved ones, even the cells within our own bodies die to then regenerate. One breath dies; another is born. In our yoga postures, we surrender/die to one pose to then flow into the next. One cannot exist without the other. Without death, life would grow old and stale. It would lose its charm, its mystery, its joy. Death of anything brings new opportunities to press the refresh button and start again.
If your job isn’t fulfilling and there’s no enthusiasm, you feel a loss of creativity and productivity. Bringing death to that job brings birth to a new opportunity! If leaves didn’t die, we wouldn’t have compost. If we didn’t bring death to certain chapters in our lives, new ones wouldn’t be written. Life and death are synonymous. They are the equation and the formula for regenerating ourselves, our lives, and our attitudes.
It serves as a reminder for us to embrace every moment, every touch, every word, every glance, and every action we live with great gratitude and appreciation, and who better to teach us appreciation for the cycle of life than the mysterious and intense energy of Scorpio. One need just to look into the eyes of a person born in this sign and the emotional depth of life’s mysteries unravel! Deeply intense, passionate, and extremely driven, the energy of Scorpio asks us to go into the depths of our souls to reflect and die to the part of ourselves that needs healing and regeneration.
Scorpio rules the 8th house of death, the occult, the mysteries of life, and of sexuality! Some are under the perception that Scorpio is all about sex. Yes, they are about sexuality and intimacy, but not for the mere pleasure of it. It’s the passion that arises in them when examining the cycle of birth and death, along with the mystery of transforming and regenerating.
The 8th house is also about hidden secrets making Scorpios great investigators due to their suspicious minds and desire to peel away the layers uncovering the hidden. This is the motivation for the intimacy they develop when meeting people. They will ask about your life and your deepest feelings, and they will genuinely care! However, they will not be so open about their own deepest emotions. This can make it challenging at times to understand where you stand with your Scorpio friend as you may misinterpret their unwillingness to speak about themselves. This could lead to all kinds of mis-perceptions, but do respect their secrets. It is who they are – the mystery.
Pluto, the ruling planet of the Scorpio energy, is the destroyer! He brings about elimination and takes away that which is no longer needed. It is powerful indeed. When Pluto transits our natal chart, we are most definitely in store for major disruption, but it is a needed one for changing that which no longer serves us. It could be a relationship, a job, or a behavioral pattern that doesn’t serve us well. Whatever it may be, Pluto and Scorpio provide the power to die to that part of our “self” to bring about healing and regeneration. Scorpios are the embodiment of the mystery making them great healers and Shamans as they teach us the impermanence of all things and light the way for us to achieve our highest potential through transformation. Scorpio is indeed a complex energy!
Transformation is healing. It is bringing death to a wound within us, a pattern within us that brings us pain and suffering. Transformation/death is letting go of self-cherishing and self-centeredness that keeps us bound to the illusion which creates our suffering. However, it’s not an easy thing to do! We are so caught up in everything that we do and think we must have that we don’t allow ourselves to surrender.
Surrendering is allowing the death to take place. When we give ourselves permission to let go of self-cherishing, we open ourselves up to the experience of understanding that we are all in this boat together. We are all seeking happiness, love, and peace. We begin to connect to the Divine love that brings about a transformative effect upon ourselves and others.
It brings to light a quote by Paramahansa Yogananda. He says, “Ordinary love is selfish, darkly rooted in desires and satisfactions. Divine love is without condition, without boundary, without change.” When we surrender and allow Divine love to flourish within us, we become more acceptable, more forgiving and understanding of others. Easy task? No. Because it requires a surrender, and many of us, no matter how miserable we may be, find that difficult to do. And why? Because of the uncertainty, the fear, the letting go of feeling that even in the worst of circumstances we at least have some sort of control.
What should we do during the energy of Scorpio and Autumn? Dive deep into the soul, into the emotions, into the past and begin to ask ourselves what needs to die in order to regenerate. Is it an attitude? A relationship? A habit? We need to understand that we cannot change without the death of that which no longer serves. The serpent sheds its skin. So, too, must we.
Meditate deeply, intensely diving into the Third Eye and surrender, investigate, examine. What needs to be unblocked? While you’re doing so, enjoy the ride!! Scorpio is also about magic! Halloween, after all, does fall when the Sun finds itself in Scorpio.
In Yoga, we do the pose of Shavasana. We pretend to be a corpse. We live life through all the asanas and then we die moving to the next pose. When lying in Shavasana, we incorporate the energy of our practice into the body, and we surrender! In Cobra or Fish pose, we breathe the energy of Scorpio and rejuvenation. We become the snake, and we bring forth the power this energy possesses through our hiss.
Happy Scorpio Halloween and Happy Regeneration!
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About the Author
Debbie Peluso obtained her Bachelor’s degree from the University of Metaphysics in association with the University of Sedona in Arizona. She is a certified practitioner in meditation and metaphysical/spiritual counseling, and she is a working astrologer and co-owner of Zion Yoga Studio, in the Washington, D.C. Area.

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