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The Cause-and-Effect Factor

The Cause-and-Effect Factor


by Sylvia Henderson

Let’s face it, everyone wants to improve their lives. Be happier, healthier, prosperous, and enjoy life. So why is getting to where we would like to be so difficult? We want our lives to change for the better, but in spite of our efforts we find ourselves either stuck or digging a bigger than the last hole that we just climbed out of.

There is a principle, called ‘cause-and-effect,’ which explains that there is a cause for every effect and an effect for every cause.

It also states that there is no such thing as chance; that chance is merely a term indicating an event or experience which was previously set in motion. The reason something appears to occur by chance is because it was not recognized or perceived as being related to the initial cause that set it in motion.

Even if something looks like something was by chance or luck, there was a certain cause that was activated and that remained in continual activation until the effect was finally achieved.

When you look at what you experience in your life, what do you think creates certain outcomes in your life? Well, it’s you. You are the cause. You are the center of your own personal universe. You are the one who is connected always with Divine Consciousness, Source Energy, God, and the Omnipresent Universe, and you are always creating your experiences and your reality.

Each time you think a thought about yourself or about what you are experiencing, you are sending out invisible vibrations that set in motion the creation process of cause-and-effect.

The concept of creating your own reality is not purely a spiritual principle. This is a psychological principle as well. I am not a psychologist, but one of the gifts of being a parent of two autistic sons is that I got to work closely with a number of psychologists who specialized in human behavior. Having two autistic sons forced me to take the time to learn how to understand some of the basic drivers behind human behavior.

What I discovered is that all human behavior is primarily a process of cause-and-effect. We easily become programmed creatures of habit, repeating our behaviors over and over again. Why? Because on a deep subconscious level, we know that if we do things a certain way, we receive certain results. Thus, cause-and-effect.

If you take a look at the science of cognitive behavior, you will find that cause-and-effect is a key player.


Discover the Cause-and-Effect Cycle

In cognitive behavior,cause-and-effect presents itself as a four-step cycle:

1. Beliefs Create Thoughts.

2. Thoughts Create Actions.

3. Actions Create Results.

4. Results Reinforce What We Beliefs. This four-step cycle creates the experiences of our lives. Our beliefs are the cause and the results are the effect.

Positive beliefs creative positive thoughts. Positive thoughts create positive actions. Positive actions create positive results. Positive results create more positive beliefs. Knowing this, it is easy to imagine what negative beliefs create.

We change our lives not by our changing jobs, changing lovers, or changing where we live. We change our lives by changing our beliefs.


Changing Negative Cause-and-Effect Beliefs

You can begin to change the beliefs that are not serving you with just four simple steps.

1. Mindful Observation: Make a conscious decision to be aware of your internal conversations with yourself. Sometimes just watching your thoughts will change them.

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2. Collect Data: Build a list of the random thoughts that cross your awareness, especially if they have a critical or limiting tone or voice.

3. Organize Your Findings: Sort the data you’ve collected into categories (e.g., criticism, resistance, fears, anger, sadness, etc.). You might be surprised to see patterns of your behavior that are tied to patterns of your thinking.

4. Confront and Release: This is the most important step. Find the thought or belief that bothers you the most. Write it out alone on a piece of paper and saying it out loud as you write it. Focus intensely on the fact that this how you truly feel and what you actually think about yourself, someone else, an event or your life. Often, when we focus and own what we don’t want to look at or feel, it loses its powers and evaporates. It’s when we resist that our problems persist.

Changing beliefs takes disciplined consistency, but the positive benefits you will gain will far outweigh your efforts.

Lastly, I encourage you to start your mornings off on the right foot with five minutes of meditation in gratitude for what you have and what you’d like to receive as if it already has happened. There is a universal law that whatever you focus upon expands. Creating consistent moments in gratitude feels amazing and will allow you to see the glass of your life as full and refillable while training your brain to choose higher vibrational life-affirming thoughts.

Time spent in gratitude is a wonderful way to change the trajectory of your life and utilize the undeniable results of cause-and-effect in your favor.


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About The Author

Sylvia Henderson is an intuitive life coach, hypnotherapist, energy healer, public speaker and the host of Intuitive Transformations on OmTimes Radio.

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